Knapper FAQ

KNAPPER is a cool new mailing list, which is bringing flintknappers from around the world together. It was formed by Jamie Boley ([email protected]) on January 21st, 1996 to help all the people who flintknap and who are on the net to exchange ideas and information. He set up this mailing list to provide a way for knappers on the net to communicate easily. It is a forum for knappers to ask questions, get in touch with other like-minded individuals, and find out about Knapping events in their area. If you are just starting out in flintknapping, this is a great forum for meeting people who can answer the questions not covered in the books.

To subscribe send the following message, with no subject line:

subscribe knapper [email protected]

to [email protected].

You can now subscribe to Knapper in digest form (a single message per day containing all the individual posts to the mailing list)! To subscribe to knapper-digest send the following message, with no subject line:

subscribe knapper-digest [email protected]

to [email protected].

If you aren't sure, you can check out the Knapper-Digest Archive!
You will recieve a FAQ containing the information on this page, with updates.

Once subscribed, all posts to the listserv should be directed to [email protected].
For all administrative actions, send email to [email protected]

Functions such as:
subscribe (list) (address)
unsubscribe (list) (address)
which (address)
who (list)
info (list)
index (list)
get (list)

will be handled there.

If you need to get in touch with a real live person, contact List-Owner Jamie Boley at [email protected].

Back to the Mailing Lists Page.

Return to the Main Page.

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