Epigone's Fanfiction

When a character is born, he at once acquires such an independence, even of his own author, that the whole world can imagine him in innumerable situations other than those the author thought to place him in. At times he acquires a meaning that the author never dreamt of giving him.
--Luigi Pirandello,
Six Characters in Search of an Author

As I Lay Dying
Lafe/Dewey Dell
Rating and Warnings: PG-13. Innuendo, language, bad pastiche.
Word Count: 2,611
Quote: The dust is a thick red around my ankles, sticky and pulling, but I think that this too shall pass; this is not blood money, but insurance.

Band of Brothers
Each Man Does Not Die
Pairing: Luz/Lipton, mainly
Rating and Warnings: PG-13. Sex, violence, spoilers. Lock up the wives and children.
Word Count: 5,668
Quote: When he jumps, this is a part of him that never sees the ground.

Pairing: Wintersnixon
Rating and Warnings: PG-13.
Word Count: 1,389
Quote: Dick swallows and says, "For a city of lights, it sure was dark."

Till Human Voices Wake Us
Pairing: Henry/Jonesy
Rating and Warnings: PG. Language.
Word Count: 2,501
Quote: But that�s something about living in the world: there will be nights and nights and nights, but you will not come home.

Surviving the Night
Pairing: Marvin/Trina, Whizzer/Marvin
Rating and Warnings: PG. Spoilers for In Trousers.
Word Count: 4,180
Quote: This her house, this her life: these the obscure Atlantises beneath the surface of this time and place, the dark continents uncharted by any cartographer. Here there be dragons.

Les Mis�rables
Brotherly Love
Pairing: None
Rating and Warnings: PG. Language.
Word Count: 1,288
Quote: "We don't have ourselves," insists Olivier, clutching hurriedly at words he's heard from the others.

An Inauspicious Beginning
Pairing: Grantaire/Enjolras
Rating and Warnings: PG.
Word Count: 2,615
Quote: "Very worthy cause. You're all doomed." He felt a momentary pang at that thought, surprisingly enough.

In Love and War: The M*A*S*H Page

The Regeneration Trilogy
That Dare Not Speak its Name
Pairing: Rivers/Sassoon, one-sided
Rating and Warnings: PG-13. Borderline RPS, major spoilers for The Ghost Road.
Word Count: 1,322
Quote: They were only his children, and children, too, grow and leave, all the children of his country would go on growing and leaving, Hallet and Prior and Owen and.

Multifandom Drabbles and Fourteen-Word Stories
The Challenges Page

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