Personality: Optimistic and determined
Appears in: All Klonoa games
Origin: Phantomile
Gender: Male
Status: Dream Traveler
Description: What kinda game would it be if there was no hero?! So we have young Klonoa. A little creature that oddly resembles a cat, he possesses a powerful ring, which he used to harness the power of the wind. Klonoa is also gifted with the ability to travel from world to world through his dreams, which later ended up dubbing him as the Dream Traveler. He helps out whenever someone is in need, and he packs a powerful punch for being as small as he is. His only flaw seems to be his habit of trusting everyone he meets, and often, the worst villians happen to be people he befriends. His unique powers and willingness to help in times of trouble make him a loyal hero, indeed, but it also puts him in constant peril. What adventure will the Dream Traveler's dreams take us on next?
Personality: Brave and loyal
Appears in: Klonoa: DtP, Klonoa: EoD, Klonoa: MM, Klonoa: BV
Origin: Moon Kingdom, Phantomile
Gender: Male
Status: Prince
Description: Huepow is the prince of the Moon Kingdom, and, in his land's time of need, he was the one to summon Klonoa into his world. He placed false memories in Klonoa's head to make the boy think they were best friends, then 'used' him to save the world from the evil endangering it. All in all, everything turned out fine, aside from the one fact that he had overlooked. He, himself, had grown to care for Klonoa greatly, so when the boy had to return home, he was a more then a little upset. But his world had been saved, so everything worked out for the best.
Personality: Kind and pacifistic
Appears in: Klonoa: DtP
Origin: Moon Kingdom, Phantomile
Gender: Female
Status: Diva
Description: A diva from the Moon Kingdom, she is kidnapped by Ghadius, who wishes to prevent her from singing the Song of Rebrith after he turns the world into a nightmare. She is rescued by Klonoa and Huepow, which results in allowing her to sing her song to return the world to normal after it has been swallowed by an evil force. Her voice is very pretty, and she deserves the title diva, and she is the only known one alive in Phantomile who can sing the Song of Rebirth to have the affect that is should have.
Personality: Wise and caring
Appears in: Klonoa: DtP
Origin: Breezegale, Phantomile
Gender: Male
Status: Village Elder
Description: A wise man, Grandpa really isn't the grandpa to anyone, but due to his old age, he somehow earned the title. He takes care of Klonoa when Huepow whisks him into the world, and he plays along with the false memories and such to help Klonoa fulfill his destiny in Phantomile. Even though he isn't Klonoa's true 'guardian', Grandpa does, indeed, care for the boy greatly. And because of his vast knowledge, Klonoa turns to Grandpa for advice. Klonoa ends up giving him a special pendant, that which Joka attacks the house to get. In the end, Grandpa loses his life, leaving a distraught Klonoa behind.
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