N.Z. Aviation Visual Reporting Points in GPX Format

The CAA provide a PDF file containing a list of Visual Reporting Points for New Zealand. However (to my knowledge) there is no current software to convert the PDF data into machine readable form, and hence allowing transfer to a GPS receiver.

Serendipity came to play, with a chance email from Kevin whilst I was on holiday near his home (and hanger) - see story below. This resulted in my writing a software utility to convert the CAA PDF data, into the useful GPX format.

GPX (the GPS eXchange Format) is a light-weight XML data format for the interchange of GPS data (waypoints, routes, and tracks) between applications and web services on the Internet.

Kevin and I have made the resulting (VRP) GPX file free to be downloaded from this webpage, where it can used with programs like the freeware EasyGPS that allows inputting the VRP's directly into GPS receivers in seconds, without manual (error prone) handling.

With the VRP dataset in EASYGPS, a single mouse click can sort by latitude or longitude. Or use the 'find' function to give a subset of the NZ data, that is just those VRP's within x Km of a location. This can be used to quickly give you all the VRP's within say 50Km of 'your' airport, without needing to load all the VRP's into the GPS.

Conditions of Use:

By downloading the VRP GPX file from this webpage, you accept responsibility for your use of it, and thus make no claim against myself for "fit for purpose" or any accuracy issues.

However I hope any reasonable person will find the GPX data a handy "aid" in conjunction with the proper use of the Aviation Charts (which are the definitive authority for VRP's).

I have been careful with the data, and have many "integrity checks" to make sure there is no "silly" errors. I have also plotted the GPX data onto a map (see below). If anyone finds any errors, I will fix and post an erratum on this page.

Anyway, having said all that, I trust you find the attached GPX file of some use. I will try and update in line with updates from the CAA.

A problem in creating "bulk" waypoints for GPS is what waypoint NAME to use. The 'human' names given in the CAA VRP list, have variable length (and some multiple words). Many Garmin GPS's only allow the name to be 6 characters long. So the GPX file has unique 6 character names and a cross reference (VRP_XRF.TXT) file for these names to the CAA names.

The unique 6 character name is made from the first 3 characters of the "proper name", plus a 3 digit number. In normal use the first 3 letters should be enough to match the name to the Aviation Chart, or you may like to print VRP_XRF.TXT and take it aloft with you.
example from VRP_XRF.TXT

ADA001 = Ada
ADE002 = Adele Island
ADE003 = Adelaide
AFT004 = Afton Burn Saddle
   < SNIP >
WOO508 = Woodville
WYE509 = Wye Creek
YAL510 = Yaldhurst
YAT511 = Yates Point

The GPX file contains these date dependant VRP's
Domes         S 41 34 30.0, E 173 44 26.0 Effective from 0609271200
Dovedale      S 41 17 11.6, E 172 53 36.7 Effective from 0609271200
Kawaha Point  S 38 06 19.0, E 176 14 47.0 Effective from 0609271200
Mandeville    S 43 22 44.0, E 172 32 04.5 Effective until 0609271200
Mokoia Island S 38 04 50.0, E 176 17 09.0 Effective from 0609271200
Cornwallis    S 37 00 42.2, E 174 36 18.5 Effective from 0607051200
Orewa         S 36 36 00.3, E 174 41 49.6 Effective from 0609271200
Ormond        S 38 33 17.7, E 177 55 19.8 Effective from 0609271200
Otaki Beach   S 40 44 22.3, E 175 06 58.7 Effective from 0609271200
Substation    S 37 46 47.6, E 175 18 20.7 Effective until 0609271200
Showgrounds   S 37 46 33.5, E 175 17 20.9 Effective from 0609271200
Woodfields    S 43 20 56.0, E 172 26 04.4 Effective until 0609271200
Also, I did not include the following "deadwood"
Gorilla       S 43 44 42.0, E 170 13 24.3 Effective until 0411241100
Monty         S 36 59 03.2, E 174 47 02.5 Effective until 0607051200
Tokoroa       S 38 14 11.6, E 175 53 30.7 Effective until 0411241100
Victoria Gap  S 43 30 36.0, E 170 08 57.3 Effective until 0411241100
West Bridge   S 41 28 42.4, E 173 48 44.4 Effective until 0411241100
FILE as at 16 Aug 2006.

NZ VRP's in GPX with unique 6 character names ZIP file.

If GPX is not your preferred format, you can use GPSBABEL to convert to many other common formats.

HANDY HINT: If you make up your own waypoint list including part or all of the VRP's. Upload them to your GPS and note the number transferred. Then load them back to the PC, if you do not have the same number as before, the GPS has detected "same names" and made deletions (even though the coordinates may be far apart).
Many thanks to Kevin Slattery for sending me an email when I happened to be only a few kilometres from Kerikeri. Resulting in Nettie and I having a very long flight in the "oh so cute" Papa Papa Golf - what a wonderful way to appreciate the Bay of Islands!

Thanks also to the CAA for making the VRP data available on the Net.

Regards, Kiwi Geoff

Following, are examples of plotting the VRP GPX file on to a map, using the iMHere mapping software.
[Plotted NZ VRP's]
Plotting the VRP GPX file on to a map of New Zealand, we can see where the VRP's are put to work.
[Plotted AK VRP's]
Zooming into the map, we can see the VRP's around the Auckland Region.
[CHCH Pier Location]
Zooming even more (in the South Island), we can see how 'approximate' the CAA location for "The Pier" is!
[Kevin's Tecnam NZ-PPG]
Kevin flying PPG over Matamata

Kevin's Story

The CAA kindly publish the VRP list in the form of a PDF (Acrobat) document. Unfortunately this format doesn't lend itself to "bulk" loading into our GPS's. As there are nearly 500 VRP's it would take a long time to cut and paste them.

I have been racking my brains for months now on how to translate the CAA data into a format that could be used by freely available GPS programs. This would then allow the complete list of VRP's to be loaded into a GPS in seconds, without manual typing.

Searching the Internet I came across a GPS aficionado living in Christchurch called Geoff Hitchcox (aka Kiwi Geoff) and after reading his web site, I asked for his assistance.

Geoff emailed to say he was on holiday and would investigate the problem when he returned home, in the meantime he was going to enjoy his diving holiday in the Bay of Islands. An email and a phone call later had Geoff and his partner Nettie flying around the Bay of Islands in my Tecnam Golf ZK-PPG.

Geoff, upon returning home, developed a program which translates the text data, saved from the CAA pdf file, into a waypoint file used by EasyGps.

This provides the VRPs in a format that is used by the EasyGPS program and supports, in addition to Garmin, Magellan Lowrance and several other GPS models. The list was slightly modified to remove any problems with similar names, eg Lake became Lk, Mount became Mt. This was necessary as some GPS allow 6 character names whilst others allow up to 10. I have loaded these waypoints into my Garmin 295 GPS, copied them back into the PC and compared the two lists. Whilst No guarantee can be made, this is a very useful additional tool to supplement the charts, especially negotiating our way around busy and controlled airspace.

Kevin Slattery (Kerikeri, Bay of Islands) December 2003
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