Bases Loaded
Graphics-3/10- The graphics on this game were very pixely and chunky. The game doesnt' have very many different colors, so everything looks bland and ugly.

Sound/Music-6/10- The sound is good, especially when you here the umpire yell, "OUT", "SAFE", or "PLAY BALL!". Other than that, the music is fun at first, but then continues to get boring and repetitive.

Gameplay-9/10- This is definitely the strong point of the game, the part that keeps you playing. This game is very addictive, and especially fun with two human players. It's very competetive and fun.

Control-5/10- Very, very confusing at first. The control is very bad, especially for beginners. If you just picked up this game, it's hard to hit the balls that were thrown into various directions, and strike out you opponents. It's extremely frustrating when you the ball gets het far into the outfield, and you are trying to make your players dash to the ball before your opponent makes it to home, while running at a 2 mph speed. Luckily, after a short while, you can catch on.

Replay Value-8/10- If you find yourself bored with nothing to do, it's easy to pick up 'Bases Loaded' and try this game again. It's one of the best baseball games for the early systems, so you will probably play this a lot more often than any others.

Overall- 6.2/10- This game is good, but all the wrong things in this game stick out a lot. It's a great game for your collection if you can find it somewhere for one to three dollars, but for much more, it isn't worth it.
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