My Online Games Page


Some good online game pages are:

The stratics page has information on lots of online games like: Adellion, Anarchy Online, Asheron's Call, Atriarch, EverQuest, JumpGate, Ultima Online, UWO: Origin.

The everquest homepage has screen shots, hints, an online store, game information, and persona on each creature in everquest. Everquest is a 3-D interactive game in which you can have a character which you can personalize the skills are limited by your race. The races are: Barbarian, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Elf Erudite, Gnome, Half Elf, Halflings, High Elf, Human, Ogre, Troll.

The everquest stratics page has forums, articles and misc. information.

Visit my Sacrifice webpage.

The Ultima Online page has screen shots, hints, weapon & skill information. Ultima Online is also a very good game, there are different skills that you can have like tailoring, archery, fencing and mining. You can buy ships and houses, make sure you have the look you like because once you are in the game it costs a lot to change your hair style, but you can color your hair with hair dye.

The Ultima Online Stratics page has forums, pic's, current events, and message boards.

The online text game Utopia it is a different game it has different races that have different strength. The info is in the game guide. I am the elves they have medium high defense but have a medium low offense. The battles are figured by rates of the enemies abilities and their numbers of troops.

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