Shoshin Nagamine

      Master Nagamine is the founder of Matsubayashi-Ryu, or the Matsubayashi branch of Shorin-Ryu. Master Nagamine’s first instructor was a local karate instructor, Chojin Kuba. He began his training at the age of seventeen. Master Nagamine trained under several different instructors but ended up studying under Chotoku Kiyan. Master Kiyan taught him Shorin-Ryu. Master Nagamine also studied judo and kendo. Nagamine became a member of the Okinawan Police force, after being discharged from the Japanese army. In 1927, Nagamine renamed his system Matsubayashi-Ryu to distinguish it from the other forms of Shorin-Ryu. Master Nagamine’s style of Shorin-Ryu has become very famous all over the world. He also wrote a book entitled, “The Essence of Okinawan Karate Do”, in which he explains his entire system to the world.  Master Nagamine formulated the Nagamine Nunchuku Sho and Dai kata that we run.


Shuri-te Masters