Since the fall of Pard the race of the Dark Elves have prosper in the

Crystal Mountains. These dark skin elf maidens are worshipper of what they

call the Dark Queen. This being instill within key member's of Dark Elf society

a hunger for power and conquest. That being said, some Dark Elves are

actually not bad people and eventually leave the dark world of Pard to live

amongst their light skin sisters.

Dark Elf society is ruled by a Priestess

Queen and hierarchy of noble ladies down to the

common Dark Elf. Below the common folk lies the

slaves. These are the descendants of the dwarves of

Pard and dwarves taken in conquest from dwarven

communities in the Crystal mountains.

Dark Elves live in a vast underground city of New Pard, only

coming out at night to hunt and forage for food. They trade for food with the

demon kingdom through Ardad Lili. New Pard's main commodities are ore and

finely crafted products.

On the note of finished goods, the combination of the elven sense of

beauty and dwarven technique has provided the world with pieces of incrediable

beauty and utility. If ever the power of the Dark Queen can be broken, it is

hoped that the unique combination of dwarf and elf can continue to exist and

bring the world many wonders.

Dark Elves

Stats: Soul at 5 or greater

Attributes: Special Defense (Unaging): 2cp, Feature (Night Vision): 1 cp, Heighten Sense (hearing): 1cp, Special Movements (Balance): 1 cp, and Stealth (Hearing):1cp,

Defects: Marked: 2 bp and Not so Strong: 1 bp.

Special Notes: Female Characters only. Dark Elf Maidens can produce children with humans but this is rare and requires a moment of pure love during sex for a child to be conceive.

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