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Lebans - Formulários

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MouseWheelOnOff é um banco de dados contendo código simples para permitir ao usuário/desenvolvedor a ativar ou desativar a roda do mouse programaticamente.

CopyGetRTFfromClipboardA2K Demonstra como copiar e pegar RTF do Clipboard. Exige o controle ActiveX Microsoft Rich para ver os resultados mas não para funcionalidade.

RichTextActiveXControl É uma solução ActiveX RTF escrita em VC++. O controle RTF2 é uma solução completa para edição/impressão para o Access 97 ou superior. Auto ajuste de tamanho do controle RTF2 é suportado pelo A2K ou superiores.

A2KSHTML É um editor HTML construido ao redor do controle MS Web Browser. APENAS A2K ou superior!!!!

RecordNavigationButtons É um MDB contendo código para substituir os Botões de Navegação padrão. Os botões customizados emulam exatamente os botões de navegação padrão, inclusive a propriedade Autorepetição.

ChangeMDIBackGround É um banco de dados contendo uma função que permite a especificação da cord de fundo para a janela MDI principla do Access.

AutosizeOLE É um banco de dados contendo funcionalidade para permitir o redimensionamento automático de controles de Moldura vinculados ou não. A2K ou A97.

A2KConditionalFormatting É um banco de dados demonstrando como, programaticamente, fazer com que a Formatação Condicional simule 1) Realçar a linha atual em Formulários Contínuos ou Folhas de Dados e 2) Realçar linhas alternadamente em Formulários Contínuos ou Folhas de Dados.

ContinuousFormsCurrentRow É uma classe que permite acessar programaticamente o conteúdo de um controle vinculado à medida que o usuário move o mouse mas o controle não tem o foco. Para formulários contínuos.

AlternateColorDetailSection É uma classe que permite a alternância de faixas coloridas para formulários contínuos.


TextHeightWidth is a replacement for the Report object's TextWidth and TextHeight methods. It is multiline aware and can work in both Report and Form views.

ToolTip is a database containing a custom ToolTip class. Enhanced features include Selectable delay times for Toolltip to first appear, Selectable delay times for Tooltip to dissappear, Selectable Text Color, Selectable Background Color, Selectable Margins, Specify Tooltip size, Add a title to the Tooltip in Bold
Selectable Icon for the Tooltip, ToolTips for Lines, Boxes, any rectangular area on your Form.

PictureBox is a database containing a class to enhance the standard Image control. This allows the control to resemble the standard Visual Basic PictureBox control. Simple drawing methods are directly supported as is Text output with rotation. A handle to a Device Context is exposed to allow the developer to use the full range of Graphic API's.

TabColors is an MDB containing a class to enhance the standard Access TAB control in order to allow for Tabs of any color and Rotated Text.

LoadSaveJpeg contains a database demonstrating how to use the Intel Jpeg library with Access. Jpeg files are stored in their original compressed state within a Binary OLE avoiding the Ole object "bloat" issue. The contents of the Image control, containing any supported source Image format, can be saved to disk as a Jpeg file.

FormDimensions is a database containing a Form that demonstrates the relationships of the Form and Section Height and Width properties.

SelectAlpha is a database containing a function demonstrating how to use a Label control filled with the Letters of the alphabet to implement a single character filter for your Form.02-Nov-2005 22:01Older NON ActiveX solutions:">RichText is a database containing a class that allows for the display of RTF text within a standard 02-Nov-2005 22:01P>

AutoColumnWidth is a Database containing functions to enable auto sizing of Columns in Form Datasheet view by clicking on the Column Header. Access offers this function but only for the rows of the Datasheet that are currently in view. AutoColumnWidth checks every row of the Datasheet to calculate the final width required to completely display the contents in every row.

MonthCalendar New Version 3 A database containing a Class that wraps the Microsoft Common Control Month Calendar in an easy to use interface. This is a completely API generated Month Calendar derived directly from the Common Control DLL. What this means is that there are no distribution or versioning issues as there are if you use the ActiveX DatePicker control.

AutoUpDown is a database containing functionality to allow the user to use the "+" or "-" minus keys to increment/decrement the values in a control. Automatically recognizes Numeric, Date and Time formats. Also allows the user to enter/edit a value in a control and continue incrementing/decrementing without first having to save or exit the control.

AnimateForm is a database containing a Class that has functionality to animate a Form during opening and closing. Demonstrates use of WithEvents to sink several events on a Form.

AutoSizeFont is a database containing a function to automatically resize a Control's Font to fit the current record's contents. Works in the Form's Current and/or Change events.

LimitTextInput is a database containing a functions to limit the input into a TextBox control. Will allow data input that will fit within the current displayable area of the control only.

NEW  CanGrow Ver 1.0 is a database containing functions to simulate CanGrow/CanShrink for Forms in Form View. 

ImageControlToClipBoard is a database containing a function that allows you to copy the contents of a standard Image Control to the ClipBoard.

Updated Ver 5.0  LoadJpegGif - Developed to allow Access RunTime installations to display Jpeg files in a standard Image Control. Provides functionality to load JPG,GIF,BMP,EMF,WMF,CUR and ICO  files on systems without the Office Graphics Filters loaded.  Supports transparency in Transparent Gifs.  Allows you to resize Images on Forms/Reports at runtime  with no loss of Image quality.

AnimatedGif Ver 3.0 BETA contains source code for a VB Animated Gif Player. THis version supports Local Color Tables and enhanced Transparency support. No external ActiveX or 3'rd party DLL's required. Jan 23, 2001 New VB6 Source.

Transparent is a database containing functions to allow for the conversion of Bitmap, Gif, Jpeg, Enhanced Metafile and Metafile to an Enhanced Metafile format supporting Transparent backgrounds.

SetGetSB is a database containing functions to allow a user to programmatically set the position of a Form's Scrollbar in Continuous Forms or Datasheet view. 

CommandButton is a database containing functions to allow a user defined BackColor and Rotated Text for Command Buttons. 

FormatbyCriteriaSubClass is a database containing functions to allow Criteria based formatting a Form in Continuous Form's View. Unlimited colors and criteria. 

PaintProgram - The most simple of all Paint Programs! Native VBA no API's.

ZoomInOut - Add Zoom In/out to your Image control & More! 

AutoSizeTextBox - Uses On Current event to resize TextBox to fit the data

ImageClass - Wrapper for Image Control allows for drawing at Runtime. Simulates a Visual basic PictureBox control.

NEW RotateTextWMF - Updated VBA Rotate Text program. Now use at Design or Runtime!

Limit Characters in a Memo Field - Just like it says :-) 

Magnify Design View - Magnify area under cursor in Form or Design View

Select A Row in a Form/SubForm - Just like it says :-) 

Contato | Copyright©Osmar José Correia Júnior | 02-Nov-2005 22:01
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