The Big Lebowski
3 of 10
Directed by Joel Coen
Cinematography by Roger Deakins
Jeff Bridges
John Goodman
Julianne Moore
Steve Buscemi
Philip Seymour Hoffman
John Turturro
Yet another strange film from the quirky Coen duo.  This one revolves around a character named simply The Dude, played by Jeff Bridges.  He gets himself into a couple of pretty complicated situations.  I won't say more than that, because I'm not sure I can�not sure I understand exactly what happens myself.  John Goodman gets into the complicated situations along with him.  And there are a lot of other really bizarre and comical characters.  (Hoffman's butler comes to mind immediately, as does Buscemi's bowling idiot.)  Some of the film's scenes are funny, some are crude, and a few are absurdly, outrageously hilarious.  (There is a scene involving John Turturro and a bowling tournament that really must be seen to be truly appreciated.)  Finally, the movie has a serious problem.  And that problem is that the Coen brothers make no real effort to stay focused on a story of any kind, and there is simply too much weirdness to handle.  For that reason, it had a hard time holding my interest, and felt like it ran about 20 minutes too long.  It's just not possible for me to stay interested in extreme caricatures for that long; there needs to be some plausible, coherent storyline as well.  (O Brother had this same problem, I felt.  There was that whole cows-in-the-flood scene, and the whole Cyclops scene.  This movie is the same.  For example, towards the end of the film there are a handful of completely random scenes with Sam Elliott.  Now I normally enjoy Sam Elliott a lot, but these scenes do absolutely nothing; they serve no purpose, except for maybe a little empty philosophizing.  And when you start to see Jeff Bridges dancing down a huge flight of checkered stairs, flying over downtown LA at night, or hovering magically above a bowling lane surrounded by a lot of dancing girls, it's just too...something.  Wacky, maybe?  Absurd?  Absurd things are only funny for a while.  Then they become�absurd.)  Oh.  And I should probably mention one more thing.  When the rating board says "R for pervasive language," they are REALLY not kidding.  Pervasive is definitely the word.  Wow.
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