Index TOC

IBM Selectric

Typewriter Emulator



10 '            Correctable IBM Selectric Typewriter emulator
20 '                        tw.bas by fhb Aug 15, 1997
30 '
40 '                R E V I S I O N   H I S T O R Y
50 '   10/nn/97 # 1.01 modified screen messages
60 '    9/21/98 # 1.02 tried to bulletproof menu user input
70 '    9/22/98 # 1.03 reinstituted error message subroutines
80 '    9/22/98 # 1.04 rewrote program for ease of updates & readability
90 '    9/23/98 # 1.05 fixed a LOT of induced bugs due to rewrite, grrrr...
100 '   9/27/98 # 1.06 cleaned up program a bit more
110 '   9/28/98 # 1.07 rewrote EditLetterCorrectSpelling subroutine
120 '  10/01/98 # 1.08 Changed opening screen back to old simpler way (print)
130 '  10/10/98 # 1.09 rewrote for-nexts to while-wend in speller for stack(?)
140 '  10/24/98 # 1.10 added spell checker
150 '  11/04/98 # 1.11 rewrote exit routine to allow multiple re-entry
160 '  03/14/99 # 1.12 commenced adding save array to disk, read array from disk 
170 '----------------------------------------
180 'Program:
190 ON ERROR GOTO 2070 'error check subroutine (don't use GOSUB, it doesn't work)
200 GOSUB 280  'VariableInitialization
210 GOSUB 330  'FunctionKeyAssignments
220 GOSUB 3680 'load spelling array
230 GOSUB 420  'OpeningScreen
240 GOSUB 700  'WriteTheSentences
250 GOSUB 880  'MainMenu
260 END 'of program
270 '----------------------------------------
280 'VariableInitialization:
300 DIM L$(61)
310 RETURN 'to program, FunctionKeyAssignments
320 '--------------
330 'FunctionKeyAssignments:
340 I=1 'there can't be an I=0 or you will get an error
350 WHILE I<11 'loop thru function keys & null all of them out
360   KEY I,""
370   I=I+1
380   WEND 'F2=clear line with ESC, then enter CONT command
390 KEY 2, CHR$(27)+"CONT"+CHR$(13)
400 RETURN 'to Program, OpeningScreen
410 '----------------------------------------
420 'OpeningScreen:
430 CLS
440 PRINT"     **********************************************************************
450 PRINT"       Q & D IBM Correctable Selectric Typewriter emulator by FHB 8/15/97
460 PRINT"     **********************************************************************
470 PRINT"
480 PRINT"        IBM Selectric emulator relies on GW-Basic's line input function
490 PRINT"        to enter your 60 typed letter lines into memory as an array.
500 PRINT"
510 PRINT"        By rewriting the subscripted string variables (sentences) of the
520 PRINT"        array to the screen, you are able to re-edit your letter, correct
530 PRINT"        spelling errors or re-arrange sentences or paragraphs if need be.
540 PRINT"
550 PRINT"        Emulator also has incremental as well as scrolling page preview
560 PRINT"        for a non-editable examination of your letter prior to printing.
570 PRINT"
580 PRINT"        Pressing SPACEBAR, ENTER on a new line while writing your letter
590 PRINT"        will terminate editing session and transfer you to the main menu.
600 PRINT"
610 PRINT"        At the main menu, you have the option of automatically printing
620 PRINT"        an envelope.  The address is taken from the letter array.
630 PRINT"
640 PRINT"        All in all, it works pretty good, but it's a typewriter and NOT
650 PRINT"        a word processor.  Within its limits, it's completely functional.       
660 PRINT"                                                        Best wishes, Dad";
670 GOSUB 2000 'ScreenPauser
680 RETURN 'to Program, WriteTheSentences
690 '----------------------------------------
700 'WriteTheSentences:
710 CLS
720 I=1
730 T=10
740 WHILE Z$<>" "
750   GOSUB 2160 'ClearInputLine&LineInputMessage
760   LOCATE 24,1
770   PRINT I;
780   LOCATE 24,15
790   LINE INPUT">";L$(I)
800   PRINT I;TAB(T)L$(I);
810   Z$=(L$(I))
820   I=I+1
830   IF I=61 THEN Z$=" "
840   WEND
850 T=0
860 RETURN 'to Program,MainMenu
870 '----------------------------------------
880 'MainMenu:
890 CLS
900 T=25 'tab setting
910 X=FRE(D) 'garbage collection
920 PRINT TAB(T)"    M A I N   M E N U"
930 PRINT:PRINT TAB(T)"(I)ncremental page preview"
940 PRINT TAB(T)"(S)crolling page preview"
950 PRINT:PRINT TAB(T)"(P)rint"
960 PRINT TAB(T)"(E)dit"
970 PRINT TAB(T)"(L)ook up spelling
980 PRINT TAB(T)"(N)ew Letter
990 PRINT:PRINT TAB(T)"en(V)elopes
1000 PRINT TAB(T)"(F)ont codes to Printer"
1010 PRINT:PRINT TAB(T)"(W)rite letter to disk
1020 PRINT TAB(T)"(R)ead letter from disk
1030 PRINT:PRINT TAB(T)"(Q)uit to GW-Basic"
1040 PRINT TAB(T)"e(X)it to DOS"
1050 PRINT:PRINT TAB(T)"Enter choice (I/S/P/E/L/N/V/W/R/F/Q/X)"
1060 T=0
1070  KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 1070   'pause - decision - loop until
1080   IF INSTR("iIsSpPeEnlLNvVwWrRfFqQxX",KP$)=0 THEN GOSUB 1230
1090   IF KP$="i" OR KP$="I" THEN GOSUB 1300 'IncrementalScreenPrntPrevi
1100   IF KP$="s" OR KP$="S" THEN GOSUB 1440 'ScrollingLetterOverview
1110   IF KP$="p" OR KP$="P" THEN GOSUB 1560 'SendLetter2Printer
1120   IF KP$="e" OR KP$="E" THEN GOSUB 1690 'EditLetter/CorrectSpelling
1130   IF KP$="l" OR KP$="L" THEN GOSUB 3850 'LookupWord2CorrectSpelling
1140   IF KP$="n" OR KP$="N" THEN GOSUB 1900 'NewLetter
1150   IF KP$="v" OR KP$="V" THEN 2450 'EnvelopeAddresser
1160   IF KP$="w" OR KP$="W" THEN STOP 'for right now
1170   IF KP$="r" OR KP$="R" THEN STOP 'for right now
1180   IF KP$="f" OR KP$="F" THEN 2920 'SendFonts2Printer
1190   IF KP$="q" OR KP$="Q" THEN STOP 'Quit2GWBasicInterpreter
1200   IF KP$="x" OR KP$="X" THEN 2220 'ExitDecision
1210 GOTO 880 'MainMenu
1220 '--------------------
1230 'RejectMessage:
1240 CLS
1250 LOCATE 12,10
1260 PRINT "Just the letters (I/S/P/E/L/N/V/F/Q/X) are accepted... Try again"
1270 GOSUB 2000 'ScreenPauser
1280 RETURN 'to MainMenu
1290 '----------------------------------------
1300 'IncrementalScreenPrintPreview:
1310 T=10:H=1:J=20
1320 WHILE I<60
1330   CLS
1340   FOR I= H TO J
1350     PRINT I;TAB(T)L$(I)
1360       FOR DL=1 TO 400:NEXT DL 'a short visual cue DelayLoop
1370     NEXT I
1380   GOSUB 2000 'ScreenPauser
1390   H=H+10:J=J+10
1400   WEND '^^^^^^^^^^^^^loop thru array for incrementally view
1410 T=0:H=0:I=1:J=0
1420 RETURN 'MainMenu
1430 '--------------------
1440 'ScrollingLetterOverview:
1450 CLS
1460 T=10:I=1
1470 WHILE I < 61
1480   PRINT I;TAB(T) L$(I)
1490     FOR DL=1 TO 3000:NEXT DL 'loooooooong scrolling delay loop
1500   I=I+1
1510   WEND '^^^^^^^^^^^^^loop thru array to view letter
1520 GOSUB 2000 'ScreenPauser
1530 T=0:I=0
1540 RETURN 'to MainMenu
1550 '----------------------------------------
1560 'SendLetter2Printer:
1570 CLS
1580 T=10:I=1
1590 LOCATE 10,20
1600 PRINT"Letter is now being printed.  Please Wait...";
1610 LPRINT CHR$(27)+CHR$(38)+CHR$(108)+CHR$(48)+ CHR$(79); 'PCL3 portrait mode
1620 WHILE I<>61
1630   LPRINT TAB(T)L$(I)
1640   I=I+1
1650   WEND '^^^^^^^^^^^^^loop thru array and print letter
1660 T=0:I=1
1670 RETURN 'MainMenu
1680 '----------------------------------------
1690 'EditLetter/CorrectSpelling:
1700 H=1:J=15:T=10:I=1
1710 WHILE I < 60 'do loop until line number gets to 60
1720   CLS
1730   PRINT TAB(T)"             Notes on editing your letter
1740   PRINT TAB(T)"Don't forget to press the ENTER key on each line edited.
1750   PRINT TAB(T)"When your session is over, enter F2 (CONT) to continue.
1760   PRINT TAB(T)"in this editing mode quotes aren't accepted as line input.
1770   PRINT TAB(T)"so be careful, forget editing any lines containing quotes.
1780   LOCATE 25,1
1790   PRINT "F2 = Edits next group of sentences";
1800   LOCATE 7,1
1810   FOR I= H TO J
1820     PRINT "   L$(";I;")=";CHR$(34);L$(I);CHR$(34)
1830     NEXT I        '^^^^^^^^^^^^^loop thru lines H to J of letter on screen
1840   STOP 'when J is exceeded
1850   H=H+15:J=J+15 'increment array read limits by 15 and start over
1860   WEND 'end of WHILE-WEND loop
1870 H=0:I=1:J=0:T=0 'reinitialize all subroutine variables to zero 'cept I
1880 RETURN 'to MainMenu
1890 '----------------------------------------
1900 'NewLetter:
1910 CLS
1920 LOCATE 10,15
1930 PRINT"Creating a new letter erases the existing one."
1940 LOCATE 12,15
1950 PRINT "Are you sure you want to create a new letter (Y/N) ?"
1960 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 1960  'pause - looooop - decision
1970   IF KP$="y" OR KP$="Y" THEN RUN
1980 RETURN 'to MainMenu
1990 '----------------------------------------
2000 'ScreenPauser:
2010 LOCATE 25,1
2020 PRINT "Press the Anykey to continue...";
2030   KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 2030 'pause - loooop - decision
2040 LOCATE 25,1 :PRINT SPACE$(79);
2050 CLS:RETURN 'to caller
2060 '----------------------------------------
2070 'OnErrorCheck:
2080 CLS
2090 LOCATE 10,10
2100  PRINT"An error";ERR;"has occurred in line";ERL;"check it out!..."
2110 LOCATE 12,10
2120    IF ERR=25 THEN PRINT "Printer is not turned on or no paper in it."
2130  GOSUB 2000 'ScreenPauser
2140  RESUME 880 'MainMenu
2150 '----------------------------------------
2160 'ClearInputLine&LineInputMessage:
2170 LOCATE 24,1
2180 PRINT SPC(78); 'clears away the old LINE INPUT string
2190 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "Exit=Spacebar,enter";TAB(70) DATE$;
2200 RETURN 'WriteTheSentences
2210 '----------------------------------------
2220 'ExitDecision:
2230 CLS:T=22
2240 LOCATE 5,15
2250 PRINT "Exiting the IBM SELECTRIC EMULATOR will lose your letter."
2260 LOCATE 9,1
2270 PRINT TAB(T) "Pressing 6 exits to Landlord VI program
2280 PRINT TAB(T) "         9          Landlord IX program
2290 PRINT TAB(T) "         L          Letters Menu"
2300 PRINT TAB(T) "         4          Main Menu"
2310 PRINT TAB(T) "         X          System"
2320 PRINT
2330 PRINT TAB(T) "or Press SPACEBAR to return"
2340 PRINT TAB(T) "to main menu of your letter"
2350 PRINT:PRINT TAB(T) "Enter Choice (6|9|L|4|X|or Spacebar)
2360 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 2360 'pause - looooop - decision
2370 IF INSTR(" 469lLxX",KP$)=0 THEN 2220
2380   IF KP$="6" THEN RUN"LL6.BAS
2390   IF KP$="9" THEN RUN"LL9.BAS
2400   IF KP$="l" OR KP$="L" THEN RUN"MNU-LETR
2420   IF KP$="x" OR KP$="X" THEN SYSTEM
2430 GOTO 880 'MainMenu
2440 '----------------------------------------
2450 'EnvelopeAddresser:
2460 CLS:KB=0:KK=0
2470 LOCATE  4,20:PRINT"E N V E L O P E    S E L E C T O R"
2480 LOCATE  7,20:PRINT"Press        Envelope         Size"
2490 LOCATE  9,20:PRINT"1            #10 common       9.5 x 4.2";CHR$(34)
2500 LOCATE 10,20:PRINT"2            # 6              6.5 x 3.6";CHR$(34)
2510 LOCATE 11,20:PRINT"M            Main menu"
2520 LOCATE 14,10:PRINT"Enter appropriate selection: (1,2,M)
2530 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 2530           'pause - looooop - decision
2540   IF INSTR("12mM",KP$)=0 THEN 2460
2550   IF KP$="m" OR KP$="M" THEN 880
2590 INPUT "     What is the FIRST line number of the addressee";KB
2600 INPUT "     What is the LAST  line number of the addressee";KK
2610 '--------------------
2620 'PreviewPrintEnvelope2Screen:
2630 CLS:I=1
2640 LOCATE 4,1
2690   PRINT
2700   NEXT LINEFEED '^^^^^^^^^^loop for envelope spacing between return addr
2720   PRINT TAB(40) L$(I)
2730   NEXT I        '^^^^^^^^^^loop thru letter printing addressee's address.
2740 LOCATE 24,1
2750 PRINT"Does everything look okay (Y/N)?"
2760 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 2760 'p       ause - loop - decision
2770 IF KP$="n" OR KP$="N" THEN 880 'MainMenu
2780 '--------------------
2790 'SendEnvelope2Printer:
2800 LPRINT CHR$(27)+CHR$(38)+CHR$(108)+CHR$(49)+CHR$(79); 'switch to landscape
2810 WIDTH LPRINT 132    'sheesh! omitting this gave me a fit in landscape mode
2860   LPRINT
2870   NEXT LINEFEED '^^^^^^^^^^^looping to print empty lines for spacing
2900   NEXT I '^^^^^^^^^^^looping to print addressee's name & address
2910 GOTO 880 'MainMenu
2920 '----------------------------------------
2930 'SendPCL3Codes4Fonts_2Printer:
2940 CLS
2950 LOCATE  6,15:PRINT"P R I N T E R    C O D E S    T O    P R I N T E R
2960 LOCATE  8,15:PRINT"1.     Courier       12pt, 10p       (PCL3 font #69)
2970 LOCATE  9,15:PRINT"2.     CG-Times      14pt, prop      (PCL3 font #25)
2980 LOCATE 10,15:PRINT"3.     Univers       12pt, prop      (PCL3 font #45)
2990 LOCATE 11,15:PRINT"4.     Letter Gothic 12pt, 12p       (PCL3 font #95)
3000 LOCATE 12,15:PRINT"M      Main Menu"
3010 LOCATE 14,15:PRINT"Select font (1-4|M)"
3020 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 3020 '    pause - loooooop - decision
3030   IF INSTR("1234mM",KP$)=FALSE THEN 2930
3040   IF VAL(KP$)=1 THEN GOSUB 3110
3050   IF VAL(KP$)=2 THEN GOSUB 3180
3060   IF VAL(KP$)=3 THEN GOSUB 3250
3070   IF VAL(KP$)=4 THEN GOSUB 3320
3080   IF KP$="m" OR KP$="M" THEN 880
3090 GOTO 2930 'SendPCL3Codes4Fonts_2Printer
3100 '----------------------------------------
3110 'CourierFontCodes2Printer: 'select#1 font
3120 LOCATE 25,1                                   
3130 PRINT"courier font codes sent to printer.  Press anykey";
3140 LPRINT CHR$(27)+"(s0p10h12v0s0b3T";
3150 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 3150 '    pause - loooooop - decision
3160 RETURN 'to PCL3MainMenu
3170 '----------------------------------------
3180 'CG-TimesFontCodes2Printer: 'select#2 font
3190 LOCATE 25,1
3200 PRINT"CG-Times font codes sent to printer.  Press anykey";
3210 LPRINT CHR$(27)+"(s1p14v0s0b4101T";
3220 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 3220  '  pause - looooop - decision
3230 RETURN 'to PCL3MainMenu
3240 '----------------------------------------
3250 'UniversFontCodes2Printer: 'select#3 font
3260 LOCATE 25,1
3270 PRINT"Univers font codes sent to printer.  Press anykey";
3280 LPRINT CHR$(27)+"(s1p12v0s0b52T";
3290 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 3290 '   pause - loooop - decision
3300 RETURN 'to PCL3MainMenu
3310 '----------------------------------------
3320 'LetterGothicFontCodes2Printer: 'select#4 font
3330 LOCATE 25,1
3340 PRINT"Letter Gothic font codes sent to printer.  Press anykey";
3350 LPRINT CHR$(27)+"(s0p12h12v0s0b6T";
3360 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 3360 '    pause - loooooop - decision
3370 RETURN 'to PCL3MainMenu
3380 '----------------------------------------
3390 'LookupWordData & Program 'was inserted into tw.bas 10/24/98
3400 DATA "A","abeyance",alzheimer","anecdotal","argument","available","apropos"
3410 DATA "B"
3420 DATA "C","chocoholic","correspondence"
3430 DATA "D"
3440 DATA "E","embarrass","emphysema","exaggerate","existence"
3450 DATA "F"
3460 DATA "G","gourmet","gray"
3470 DATA "H","homonyms"
3480 DATA "I","intriguing"
3490 DATA "J"
3500 DATA "K"
3510 DATA "L"
3520 DATA "M","mnemonic"
3530 DATA "N","mnemonic"
3540 DATA "O"
3550 DATA "P"
3560 DATA "Q"
3570 DATA "R","restaurant", "reconcile"
3580 DATA "S"
3590 DATA "T","tomorrow"
3600 DATA "U"
3610 DATA "V","venereal","vengeance","vengeful"
3620 DATA "W"
3630 DATA "X"
3640 DATA "Y"
3650 DATA "Z"
3660 DATA "zymurgy"
3670 '------------------------
3680 'WordCount:
3690 WHILE A$<>"zymurgy"
3700  READ A$
3710  C=C+1
3720  WEND
3730 '------------------------
3740 'LoadWordsArray:
3760 I=1
3770 DIM A$(C)
3780 WHILE I <> C+1
3790   READ A$
3800   A$(I)=A$
3810   I=I+1
3820   WEND
3840 '------------------------
3850 'CheckWord:
3860 CLS
3870 I=1
3880 INPUT "input a fragment of the word that you want checked";X$
3890 WHILE I<> C+1
3900   IF INSTR(A$(I),X$)>0 THEN PRINT A$(I);" ",
3910   IF INSTR(A$(I),X$)>0 THEN W=W+1
3920   I=I+1
3930   WEND
3940 IF W>0 THEN LOCATE 25,1:PRINT"Press the AnyKey to continue...";
3950 IF W=0 THEN GOSUB 3990 'WordNotFound
3960 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 3960 '   pause - loooop - decision
3980 '----------------------------------------
3990 'WordNotFound:
4000 LOCATE 12,20:PRINT "Word not Found... Please try a different fragment";
4010 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "Press the AnyKey to continue...";
4030 '----------------------------------------
4040 'WriteLetterToDisk:
4050 '
4060 '
4070 '----------------------------------------
4080 'ReadLetterFromDisk:
4090 '
4100 '
4110 '
4120 '----------------------------------------
4130 'SubroutineRoadMap:
4140 CLS:LIST  380-320  'VariableInitialization
4150 CLS:LIST  330-400  'FunctionKeyAssignments
4160 CLS:LIST  420-680  'OpeningScreen
4170 CLS:LIST  700-860  'WriteTheSentences
4180 CLS:LIST  880-1200 'MainMenu
4190 CLS:LIST 1230-1280 '  RejectMessage
4200 CLS:LIST 1300-1420 ' IncrementalScreenPrintPreview
4210 CLS:LIST 1440-1540 ' ScrollingLetterOverView
4220 CLS:LIST 1560-1670 ' SendLetter2Printer
4230 CLS:LIST 1690-1880 ' EditLetterCorrectSpelling
4240 CLS:LIST 1900-1970 ' NewLetter
4250 CLS:LIST 2000-2050 '  ScreenPauser
4260 CLS:LIST 2070-2140 'OnERRORCheck
4270 CLS:LIST 4280-4450 'LIST RoadMap - part 2        <---===***
4280 CLS:LIST 2160-2200 'ClearInputLine&LineInputMessage
4290 CLS:LIST 2220-2430 'ExitDecision
4300 CLS:LIST 2450-2580 'EnvelopeAddresser
4310 CLS:LIST 2620-2770 ' PreviewPrintEnvelope2Screen
4320 CLS:LIST 2790-2910 ' ActualEnvelopeAddressing
4330 CLS:LIST 2930-3100 ' PCL3Codes2PrinterMenu
4340 CLS:LIST 3110-3160 '  CourierFontCodes2Printer
4350 CLS:LIST 3180-3230 '  CG-TimesFontCodes2Printer
4360 CLS:LIST 3250-3300 '  UniverseFontCodes2Printer
4370 CLS:LIST 3320-3380 '  LetterGothicFontCodes2Printer
4380 CLS:LIST 3390-3660 'Dictionary
4390 CLS:LIST 3680-3730 'WordCount
4400 CLS:LIST 3740-3840 'LoadWordsArray
4410 CLS:LIST 3850-4030 'CheckWord
4420 CLS:LIST 4040-4060 'WriteLetterToDisk
4430 CLS:LIST 4080-4110 'ReadLetterFromDisk
4440 CLS:LIST 4130-4270 'LIST RoadMap - part 1       <---===***
4450 CLS:LIST 4470-    'Imbedded commands for saving program
4460 '----------------------------------------
4470 'EmbeddedCommands:
4480 '                  save"TW.BAS",A
4490 CLS:LIST 4130-4300 'Roadmap upper
4500 CLS:LIST 4220-4450 'Roadmap lower

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