Quick & Dirty

CheckBook Balancer



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What follows is some Quick & Dirty checkbook balancing
programs, running from the largest to the most minimal.
A checkbook program is really something that most of us
don't really need, but, here it is anyhow.

They show mainly what you can get away with using just
GW-Basic.  The smallest runs about 24 bytes of code to do
checkbook dollars in - dollars out.  Anyhow, here they all

Here is the first... 1 'a q&d checkbook balancer by fhb Jan2008 2 ' 3 'LoopThruCheckbookData: 4 WHILE AMT <> -.001 5 READ AMT 6 BAL = BAL + AMT 7 WEND 8 ' 9 'ScreenReport: 10 CLS:PRINT:PRINT TAB(10)"Your current Balance is:"; 11 PRINT USING "$#,###.##";BAL 12 ' 13 'CheckBookData: 14 DATA 676, 1.26,-100, -150, -.001 15 ' 16 'EmbeddedCommands: 17 ' locate,,0,0,7 'block cursor 18 ' save"chekbook.bas",a
Here is the second one. It is the same, same. Only smaller. Here we are down to three lines with no comments. It is the same program as above, just compacted a bit. 1 WHILE AMT <> -.001:READ AMT:BAL=BAL+AMT:WEND 2 PRINT USING "$#,###.##";BAL 3 DATA 676, 1.26,-100, -150, -.001
Here is number three. The tiniest, consisting of 30 bytes if saved as an ASCII file or only 24 bytes if saved without the /a switch. Here really you are just using GW-Basic as a simple calculator, entering your deposits and checks as plus or minus values. It works for me and it is all i ever need given my humble economic status. Of course you are limited to 255 bytes per line, but i have NEVER needed more. 1 PRINT 676+1.26-150-100.25 or using GW-Basic in direct mode... ? 674.00 - 100.00 - 150.00 - 168.23 - 100.00 - 42.30 press enter and then basic will print out the balance.
This tiny basic program is number four. It is the most formal of the five, but in reality, it just does the same as the first even smaller first three but with more blab by introducing primitive accounting thingys into the punchcards (aka: data statments). 0 ' Q & D checkbook balancing program by fhb 7/11/99 1 'VariableStuff: codes for purchases (vowels removed, lower case) 2 SEARCH4BBM$="BBM" 3 CASH$ ="Cash" 4 CD$ ="cd" 5 COMPUTER$="cmptr" 6 COOKBOOK$="ckbk" 7 COMPBOOK$="cmptrbk" 8 OTHER$="thr" 9 '--------------------------------- 10 'ReadDataCards&DoTheMath: 11 WHILE VAL(CK$)<>-1 12 READ CK$,CL$,DATE.$,PAYEE$,AMT,NOTE$ 13 IF AMT>0 THEN CREDITS=CREDITS+AMT 14 IF AMT<0 THEN DEBITS =DEBITS +AMT 15 IF INSTR(PAYEE$,SEARCH4BBM$)>0 THEN SPENTATBORDERS=SPENTATBORDERS+AMT 16 IF INSTR(PAYEE$,CASH$)>0 THEN CASH=CASH+AMT 17 IF INSTR(PAYEE$,CD$) >0 THEN CD=CD+AMT 18 IF INSTR(PAYEE$,COOKBOOK$)>0 THEN COOKBOOK=COOKBOOK+AMT 19 IF INSTR(PAYEE$,COMPBOOK$)>0 THEN COMPBOOK=COMPBOOK+AMT 20 IF INSTR(PAYEE$,OTHER$) >0 THEN OTHER=OTHER+AMT 21 IF INSTR(PAYEE$,COMPUTER$)>0 THEN COMPUTER=COMPUTER+AMT 22 WEND 23 TOTAL.SPENT=-(CASH+CD+COOKBOOK+COMPBOOK+OTHER+COMPUTER) 24 '-------------------------------- 25 'PrintOutTheBalance: 26 CLS 27 PRINT TAB(25)"Joseph_Sixpack's little checkbook balancer":PRINT 28 PRINT TAB(30)"Deposits: ";USING "$$,###.##";CREDITS 29 PRINT TAB(30)" Checks: ";USING " #,###.##";DEBITS 30 PRINT TAB(30)" ";" --------" 31 PRINT TAB(30)" Balance: ";USING "$$,###.##";CREDITS+DEBITS; 32 'IF CREDITS+DEBITS < 0 THEN PRINT " Overdraft! Overdraft!" 33 PRINT:PRINT 34 PRINT "P Allowance: ";USING "$$##.##";-CASH 35 PRINT "E D BBM CD's: ";USING "####.##";-CD 36 PRINT "R t A BBM Cookbooks: ";USING "####.##";-COOKBOOK 37 PRINT "I o T BBM Compbooks: ";USING "####.##";-COMPBOOK; 38 PRINT" Borders subtotal ";:PRINT USING "$$##.##";-SPENTATBORDERS 39 PRINT "O E Computers: ";USING "####.##";-COMPUTER 40 PRINT "D Other: ";USING "####.##";-OTHER 41 PRINT TAB(30) "-------" 42 PRINT TAB(19)"PTD Total ";USING "$$##.##";TOTAL.SPENT 43 IF TOTAL.SPENT<>-DEBITS THEN PRINT "Oops! an error in distributing expenses occured. Please check your data." 44 IF CREDITS+DEBITS<0 THEN LOCATE 8,50:COLOR 22,4:PRINT " Overdraft! Overdraft! 45 '-------------------------------- 46 'ExitProgram: 47 LOCATE 20,1:PRINT "X=exit, AnyOtherKey=edit"; 48 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 48 49 IF KP$="x" OR KP$="X" THEN RUN"mnu-main 50 CLS:LIST 52- 51 '-------------------------------- 52 'DataCards: 53 ' CK$ CL$ Date.$ Payee$ Amount Note$ 54 DATA ,,,,7.60, 'prior balance (800) 111-1234 call the bank and ask 55 'DATA , , "Jun 23", "SS deposit ", 633.00, " " 56 'DATA 694, yes, "Jun 23", "Cash ",-100.00, "allowance " 57 'DATA 695, , "Jun 24", "BBM cds ", -42.16, "books & cd's " 58 'DATA 696, , "Jun 28", "BBM ckbk ", -32.39, "cookbooks " 59 'DATA 697, yes, "Jun 30", "Cash ",-100.00, "allowance " 60 'DATA 698, yes, "Jun 30", "BBM 2 cd sets ", -50.31, "JCsuper&v1610 " 61 'DATA 699, yes, "Jul 07", "Cash ",-100.00, "allowance " 62 'DATA 700, yes, "Jul 11", "BBM cd ", -18.39, "Bruckner 4 sym " 63 'DATA 701, yes, "Jul 12", "BBM ckbk ", -21.61, "cookbooks " 64 'DATA 702, yes, "Jul 15", "Cash ", -50.00, "allowance " 65 'DATA 703, yes, "Jul 19", "Alltech cmptr ", -19.49, "compcase,2pw3's" 66 'DATA 704, yes, "Jul 19", "Household thr ", -25.00, "VCRpmt,bal=160 " 67 'DATA 705, yes, "Jul 21", "Cash ", -70.00, "allowance " 68 DATA , , "Jul 28", "SS deposit ", 633.00, " " 69 DATA 706, yes, "Jul 28", "Cash ",-100.00, "allowance " 70 DATA 707, yes, "Jul 28", "I.R.Shakie thr ",-100.00, "on account " 71 DATA 708, , "Jul 28", "Dept W & P thr ",-162.03, " " 72 DATA 709, yes, "Jul 28", "BBM ckbk ", -32.42, "Master Recipes " 73 DATA 710, , "Jul 29", "BBM cds ", -24.88, "Fantasia&Bruckner" 74 DATA 711, , "Aug 04", "Cash ", -60.00, "allowance " 75 DATA 712, , "Aug 08", "BBM ckbk (2) ", -19.46, "AHA & BetHom&Gar" 76 DATA 713, , "Aug 10", "Cash ", -60.00, "allowance " 77 DATA 714, , " ", " ", , " " 78 DATA 715, , " ", " ", , " " 79 DATA 716, , " ", " ", , " " 80 DATA 717, , " ", " ", , " " 81 DATA 718, , " ", " ", , " " 82 DATA 719, , " ", " ", , " " 83 DATA 720, , " ", " ", , " " 84 DATA 721, , " ", " ", , " " 85 DATA 722, , " ", " ", , " " 86 DATA 723, , " ", " ", , " " 87 DATA 724, , " ", " ", , " " 92 DATA -1 , , " ", " ", , " " 93 ' save"cb.bas",a
Here is yet another little program that is called: Dollars in - Dollars out, or $in-$out. It takes the place of a $3.00 calculator or the back of an envelope. :-) You enter your expense and income items in the APPROPRIATE data section in your program and then run the program. It reads everything and adds it all up and then tells you your balance. A cheap adding machine works good too, as does using basic in direct mode for example: anyhow, here is $in-$out.bas. You can make it even simpler if you want... 10 ' K.I.S.S. accounting - $IN-$OUT.BAS 20 ' 30 'ScreenStuff: 40 CLS:LOCATE,,,0,7:color 14,1 50 ' 60 'Read&TotalDataEntrys: 70 WHILE INCOME <> -1 80 READ INCOME, OUTGO,COMMENT$ 90 TOTALIN=TOTALIN+INCOME 100 TOTALOUT=TOTALOUT+OUTGO 110 WEND 120 ' 130 'DataItems: 140 ' $In $Out Your comments go in here 150 DATA 675.00, 0, "Social security pension " 160 DATA 0, 150.00, "Sears charge card " 170 DATA 0, 100.00, "Chevron gas bill " 180 DATA 0, 100.00, "Water & Power this month " 190 DATA 0, 0, " " 200 DATA 0, 0, " " 210 DATA -1, 0, " " 220 ' 230 'PrintReport: 240 PRINT " $ In $ Out" 250 PRINT TOTALIN;" - ";TOTALOUT 260 PRINT " Balance =";USING "$$###.##";TOTALIN-TOTALOUT 270 ' 280 'EmbeddedCommands: 290 ' save "$in-$out.bas",a 300 ' cls:list 50-120 'Program 310 ' cls:list 130-220 'DataItems 320 ' cls:list 220-270 'PrintReport 330 ' cls:list 270- 'EmbeddedCommands
Fun with Minimalism And finally again, getting brutal with no code: my favorite checkbook balancer, or anything else adder-upper. This program will do the same thing as all the above programs which are more extensively programmed, just add up a bunch of expenses and incomes. First notice that there are multiple data items for any single data line. Each item is offset from the others a bit to help keep track of what is what. The Income goes first and any expense goes second or reverse if it is easier for you. just be consistent. You can add up as many entries as normally possible using multiple data lines. just keep your brains on straight when you are putting in the data. In the old days of the 8088 world, most GW-BASIC programs were written in such a fashion to get as much speed as possible. Nowadays running the humble GW-BASIC interpreter on a P4 @ 3gig... well... let's just say that you don't need to program like that anymore. Nor do you need ANY KIND of a compiler ever... Anyhow, here is the 3 line program almost the same as the one earlier given. 1 WHILE I<>-1:READ I,O:TI=TI+I:TO.=TO.+O:WEND 2 DATA 675, 0 ,0,150 ,0,100 ,-1,0 3 PRINT TI;"-";TO.;"=";TI-TO. That's it! a whopping 3 lines of code. Runs fine. Gives you all the info that you need. Save as a short named basic program like io.bas or whatever. Mostly i use $in-$out.bas. which reads, "dollars in, dollars out dot basic." Moreover, you can be completely clandestine if you want to by just keeping a few of the very short programs on 3x5 cards and just retype them in whenever you need to do a couple of personal things and at the same time keep all the evidence off the bosses computer who gets grumpy when she sees an old fashioned line numbered program sitting there thumbing its nose at her. I & O stands for Income and Outgo. TI = TotalIncome, TO = total outgo. (but watch the zeros and capital ohs.) And don't forget to notice that TO is a reserved word "to" in gw-basic. Now the common thing is to just put a period after the end of any reserved word or whatever that works for you. So the variable TO for Total outgo becomes TO. tricky huh? Now you don't gotta remember any of that reserved word stuff at all. Just use anything for variables that comes to mind. If it stumbles, put a period after it and you are off and running again. Plus, you can have real fun writing complete basic programs using just only the reserved words with periods after all the reserved words. Let them set a couple of years and then reread them... :-) Take aspirin... Anyhooo gw-basic is a lot of fun besides being occasionally useful to people who don't need a computer in the first place except to surf and blab on the web. And remember, BASIC is written exclusively for us dummies to play with and not for 'them' as it is small and simple consisting of just ONE tiny program: gwbasic.exe and is even originally called: BEGINNERS ALL PURPOSE SYMBOLIC INSTRUCTION CODE... And if you don't believe me, try on VB.NET (2005 and beyond) for size and comprehensibility. You'll wear holes in your scalp scratching your head trying to get your brains around that stuff. definitely not for this senior citizen... What we need now is for Gates and Witten to publish a couple hundred of retro demo programs that solve problems for real dummies. Early BYTE magazine had a lot of spiffy math stuff in their publication. If they ever put the old mags online... Or better yet, take a page from Wikipedia and developing a B.A.S.I.C. programs archive web site for us sandbox hobbists? hmmmm... oops... oh God, what about all the different languages of the world? sheesh... that would complicate things... oh well. anyhow, here are mine at least for you to play with... they work for me. BUT: this entire web site (>2.5 x 106th)bytes has been written with: Video Display Editor... and, ahem... NOT gw-basic. :-)
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