(That's John, Gordon, Alan, Scott and Virgil, "Classic" style)

Remember these lads?
Well, maybe you don't, if the Thunderbirds live-action film was your
first exposure to the world of International Rescue.
This page will clue you in on how these guys became...

...THESE guys and how they've changed.

It's the year 2020, six years prior to the events of the TV series and ten years after the Tracy family uprooted itself from the States and moved to Tracy Island, following the untimely death of Jeff's wife in an avalanche. During that ten year period, Jeff secretly amassed a fleet of technologically advanced ships which have become known to the world as "The Thunderbirds." He's trained his young sons as the ultimate rescue workers, all except the youngest, Alan, who has secretly been training himself when home from Wharton Academy,
his boarding school.
Here are the players:

Jeff Tracy (Bill Paxton): Billionaire ex-astronaut. Bought several small islands in the South Pacific and moved his family of five sons there following the untimely death of his wife, Lucille. Lead pilot of Thunderbirds 2 and 3 whenever needed, but has recently relinquished control of TB2 to Virgil and TB3 to Gordon following the injury to his back at the hands of The Hood. Kindly, charitable, philanthropic and fiercely protective of his friends and family.

Scott Tracy (Philip Winchester): (age:24) Eldest son and pilot of Thunderbird 1. Graduate of Wharton Academy and holder of the highest grade point average ever achieved there. Extremely quick-witted and agile, decisive and strong, he is always concerned for the welfare of his younger brothers and those in need of rescue. He is Jeff's right hand man, ever reliable and a real man of action.

Virgil Tracy (Dominic Colenso): (age 20) Pilot of Thunderbird 2. Dashing, handsome and possessing a great sense of humor; clever and charming. Knows the intricate workings of all pod vehicles, including The Mole, The Firefly, Thunderbird 4 and The Thunderiser, among others. Likes to tease his little brothers on occasion but usually knows when to stop to avoid being cruel. He's the one in the family most concerned with physical fitness...and his hair.

John Tracy (Lex Shrapnel): (age 22) Normally the astronaut in charge of Thunderbird 5, by the end of the film John is temporarily grounded due to the vicious assault by The Hood against the space station. Burned and bruised from the attack, he has a healthy new respect for how quickly life in space can become deadly. Quiet, shy and introspective, particularly since his mother's death, it is his thoughtful, sensible ability to make decisions that his father has come to rely on in times of crisis. (Note that he and Virgil are switched from the classic birth order in this film, though some of the movie sourcebooks place him as the eldest, as he was originally planned to be).

Gordon Tracy (Ben Torgersen): (age 18) Well-trained by his father, Gordon can now pilot Thunderbird 3 as lead astronaut, with his brothers Scott or Virgil along as co-pilot. He finds himself having to live up to the high standards set by his elder brothers while trying to be a good example for his younger brother, Alan. Generally jolly and care-free, gregarious, brave and willing to meet challenges head on. Looks to Onaha as a mother figure and tends to gravitate to her most often when at home.

Alan Tracy (Brady Corbet): At 14, the youngest son of Jeff Tracy, Alan is headstrong and impulsive, far too eager to grow up quickly so that he can be like his brothers and go out on rescue missions. After proving himself to be courageous by saving a downed tram filled with tourists in London, he's been made the pilot of Thunderbird 4 and may also accompany his brothers on any assignment on which he's needed. While immediately thrilled that his father has agreed to home schooling for him, he is less than happy that he must now be tutored by his exacting elder brothers...and Fermat!

Brains (Anthony Edwards): The man behind the invention of the various Thunderbirds vehicles and equipment. Discovered by Jeff Tracy when he was a young scientist with radical ideas about high-tech metals, Jeff enticed him to work for Tracy Industries and then, secretly, as a member of what would become International Rescue. A man whose true name remains unknown to nearly everyone, he and his son, Fermat, live a deceptively quiet life with the Tracys on their island. (Nothing is known about Fermat's mother).

Fermat (Soren Fulton): The 12 year old son of Brains, he is named for noted French mathematician Pierre de Fermat. A genius like his father, he is mentally on par with the elder Tracy boys, though his best friend and classmate is Alan. He is also quite friendly with Tin-Tin and admires her resourcefulness and bravery, as well as her knowledge about the island. Uses the surname "Hackenbacker" when at school, though this is a sobriquet.

Tin-Tin (Vanessa Anne Hudgens): The 13 year old daughter of Kyrano and Onaha Belagant, she is thought of by Jeff as a surrogate daughter and has been brought up on Tracy Island for about five years, ever since her father was rescued by IR in one of their earliest adventures. The elder boys think of her as a little sister, but to Alan she is a bit of a pest and a know-it-all. A lover of the outdoors, she knows a great deal about the flora and fauna of her island home, but much less about the mysterious telekinetic abilities she manifests at times. She can often be found on the beach or in the pool and is as accomplished as Gordon and John when it comes to swimming and diving. The Tracy family never knew that she had hidden telekinetic powers like that of The Hood, though apparently she had been practicing these skills on her own. There are hints at the awakening of the romance between Tin-Tin and Alan at the end of the film, a relationship with which all fans of the classic series are quite familiar.

Kyrano and Onaha Belagant: A world-renowned horticulturalist who once worked with the US Space Program, Kyrano is the elder half-brother of The Hood. The son of a wealthy plantation owner in Malaya, he had inherited a vast fortune which he shared with his half-brother, but the greedy younger man stole his brother's land holdings and fortune and then imprisoned him along with hundreds of others in an illegal diamond mine to work as slaves. When the mine collapsed and a raging fire entrapped them, International Rescue arrived, cut through their restraints and saved over 500 men, including Kyrano, but were unable to reach The Hood. After hearing Kyrano's tragic tale, the kindly Jeff invited him to bring his wife and young daughter to live on Tracy Island. They are protective of the Tracys and very loyal, with Onaha taking a motherly approach with these long-motherless Tracy boys. Kyrano is played by Bhasker Patel; Onaha is played by Harvey Virdi.

Note: (The family's last name is no longer "Kyrano" without explanation, and which everyone keeps mispronouncing. Their new surname "Belagant" comes from the name "Belah Gaat," the real name given to The Hood in the comics series).

Lady Penelope and Parker: Agent Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward secretly works with International Rescue while, to the world, she is merely another fabulously wealthy, jet setting member of the British peerage. Her butler and chauffeur, Aloysius Parker, an ex-con and notorious safecracker, accompanies her to all locations. He is totally devoted to her and ever protective of her. Both are experts at martial arts, hand-to-hand combat and weaponry. FAB 1, the amazing pink flying car invented by Brains, gets them to any destination where they are needed. Penny has a crush on Jeff, but he's been a bit too thick to pick up on it! They are portrayed by Sophia Myles and Ron Cook.

The Hood (Sir Ben Kingsley): Real name Trangh Belagant, The Hood is an international thief who has no regard for the lives and safety of anyone who gets in his way. Having been trapped deep inside a collapsing illegal diamond mine and beyond the reach of International Rescue's aid, he harbors a deep hatred for the organization, rather than take the blame for his own corrupt actions which led to the disaster. Having been imprisoned in London as the mastermind behind the raid on the Bank Of London, he knows that with his formidable powers he won't be locked up for long. His other known aliases include: The Glove, The Hand, The Hat, Won Kee, Gert Maelstrom and Mai Chan.

Mullion (Deobia Oparei): Rough, tough and not terribly bright, Mullion is the dream henchman for a criminal mastermind like The Hood. He knows exactly where to find strong-arm help when needed and takes control of any situation. He's a mercenary who only works with The Hood in an effort to amass his own fortune, strictly a hired man. Has a particular distaste for children and anyone who gets in his way. (Real name unknown).

Transom (Rose Keegan): Possessed of an amazing intellect which she uses to the wrong ends, the redheaded female cohort of The Hood is a whiz at computers and communications systems. She has had a crush on Brains ever since she met him at a lecture he once gave on nanotechnology. Now a ruthless villain, she honed in on Jeff and John's communications to discover the existence and position of Thunderbird 5 and then, at The Hood's urging, targeted a missile to destroy it as a means of getting the Tracys off of their island, ultimately to trap them in space. Clever but easily distracted, she follows The Hood's bidding, but only for what she can get out of it. (Real name unknown). The codenames "Mullion" and "Transom" are terms related to the construct of doors.

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