Fans of Teri Sue Wood
The Cartoonist Comic Book
Teri's View On The Problems With It

Well, looks like the Cartoonist has hit the fan, eh?

I'm not surprised by the comments. Two in particular are dead on. The order in which the strips were presented was a bit wacky, and the book really should have had some sort of additional notes explaining the stuff going on in it. But as much as I'd like to say "It wasn't me" I'll just have to share the blame with Sirius on this grand blooper. For, though I can slip out of the blame on the 'order' question (I did send Sirius a list of the order of the strips) I didn't send them the last 'Dave Strom vs Cartoonist' one (I wasn't sure how the copyright would work) and I never thought of doing annotations. And nobody else did either, so out went the book causing chaos out of order, and confusing everyone whos path it crossed. Sigh. So, 'whoops' and 'sorry, folks' I wasn't thinking.

As for the Gaiman interview, I loved that. I only wish it wasn't make believe, I'd love to own that yacht. Heh.

I'll sit down after Book Two is done (it's running very far behind. Taking several months off to research Darklight really threw off my discipline. Yikes! And December really was a lousy month. I'll tell ya about it sometime when it won't sound like I'm covering my butt.) I'll sit down and do a set of annotations, and send John a copy of that last strip. Hopefully that'll help some.

Thanks for bearing with me, folks.


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