Art from the Rim:
The New York Correspondance School
of San Francisco Artistamp Travel Diary

Part II

by John Held, Jr.

Contributors to the exhibition have been send a list of participants, but there is also a special catalog, which I purchase, that has essays on Mail Art by Michael Bidner, and on the Terra Candella Archive by Harley.  The catalog also has tipped-in color xeroxes of some of the stamps and envelopes on exhibition.  I have Harley sign a copy, along with the Director of the Art Center, Gay Shelton.  She's very enthusiastic about hosting the show, and says it has broken all attendance records.  Harley shows me a nice article about his activities in the Sonoma County Independent, which has drummed up interest in the show.

Kevin Burton, Harley's partner, is there, and I make him sign a poster of the show that he had a hand in designing.  I'm perhaps a bit too obsessed about getting these things signed, but it always personalizes the experience, and it's good for my archive to have these unique materials.  Besides, it's a sign of respect.

There are posters of Bidner's artistamp exhibition for sale, Harley's stampsheets, and exhibition catalogs.  Gaglione picks up some nice things for future display at the Stamp Art Gallery, including an exhibition poster signed by Bidner.  Then we drive back to San Francisco, arriving about 3:00PM.  I take a nap, before we leave at 5:00PM for Stamp Francisco.

We go over to a Henry's Hunan restaurant around the corner from Stamp Francisco and welcome those that have come:  Patricia Tavenner, R. Seth Friedman, Geoffrey Cook, Ted Purves, Diana Mars, Steve Caravello, Mike Dyar, Darlene and Picasso, Charles Chickendale and his wife Juanita, Vicki Miquel, Nicole Diaconoff, and Jessica Goddard.  Diana Mars brings thirty-five copies of "This is a Special Rubber Stamp Issue of Stampzine" with her, and after eating dinner we take out our rubber stamps and stamp pads.  I use the new jumbo rainbow pad that I had made up and let R. Seth Friedman take the first impression from it.  Patricia Tavenner has brought a video camera with her and does an interview with me.  Vicki Miguel, who runs the retail portion of Stamp Francisco, gets stinking drunk, and provides much of evening's entertainment.

Back to the Gaglione's home for the evening.

Wednesday, June 7, 1995:  San Francisco-Dallas

Darlene and Bill drive me to the airport.  Take an 11:00AM plane back to Dallas, arriving at 4:00PM Central time. 

Mail from Geraldo Yepiz (Mexico), Christiano Pallara (Italy), Patricia Collins (England), Rodrigo Jaen (Panama), Pryzmat Gallery (Poland), Charles-Francois Robic (France), Pascal Lenoir (France), Italo Medda (Italy), Aerial Print (Japan), Ryosuke Cohen (Japan), C. Steven Short, Matthew Rose (France), Gorey Laurie, Paulo Bruscky (Brasil), Pag-hat the Rat-girl, Seth Mason, Simonson, Barbara Solar-Z, Tommy Mew, Republik of Oblivia, Marilyn Califf, buz Blurr, Erin Koble, Stephen Perkins, Johnny Tostada, William S. Wilson, Willie Marlowe, Julie Hagan Bloch, Diana Garcia, Ashley Parker Owens.

Particularly nice letter from Dick Higgins, who fills me in on his current activities.

Decide to move to San Francisco right after Thanksgiving.

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