1920s York Cone Company established in York, Pa.
1940 York peppermint pattie introduced.
1972 Peter Paul acquires the York Cone Company.
1975 York peppermint pattie begins national distribution.
1978 Peter Paul merges with Cadbury Schweppes.
1988 Cadbury Schweppes' United States operations are acquired by Hershey Foods Corporation.
When I bite into a York Peppermint Patty, I feel the cool rush of skiing in the Alps, or skating in Alaska, or bobsledding in Lake Placid!
But, while I'm enjoying my York Peppermint Patty, the rush makes me oblivious to the chocolate melting in my hands. The chocolate gets on my keyboard, my mouse, my desk, and every other spot to which chocolate can stick. And when I go to throw away my York Peppermint Patty, I trip over a shoe because I'm too busy looking for a paper towel. I fall over and hit my head on the corner of my desk, cutting it deeply. The sight of my own blood causes me to regurgitate my York Peppermint Patty. Getting up and running to the phone to call 911, I slip on my own vomit, fall down again, and break my neck..
EAT ME!!!!