Special Notice
This is a catastrophe
Update: WTF is going on?
      To everyone it may concern:
Evil has struck, and Anne is no more. That's right, Anne has been missing for about scence early April, 2005. I recieved a phone call from her mother explaining that Anne no longer lived with her, and was in a "Privet school" and would be unable to contact any of her "former friends". I can do nothing about this, as anne moved to missouri last year.. and we have been keeping in contact via phone just about every day, until this. I (Matt) haven't been able to update JitterBob due to an overwhelming sadness that fills my soul every time i log on without her. In any event, I now feel it is up to me to see that JitterBob stays alive, in hopes that one day Anne will contact me from wherever she may be.
Same Bob, new Jitters
A new JitterBob Will be arriveing for your viewing pleasure as well as my own sick pleasures. Please let it be known that Jitterbob (the original) will be avainlable as is and unupdated (exept for a few changes), as well as a new, remixed, vertion, which will be updated much more freqently than the original was,. and probably have less spelling errors :). Any news regarding the whereabouts of Annette, will be prompty posted. Love to all and may you jitter all the day.
ANNE IS BACK - November 2007

Yupp, my best buddy from middle school, and co-founder of JitterBob.com, has returned!!!

Three long years ago, her wicked step-fucker and her EeEVvVvil birth Mother shipped her far far away to a land where her life could not be jepordized by any of her "former friends".

Unbeknownced to me, this "Privet Learning Facility" was much like a "Christian Convertion Camp" for the youth. She would be taught the word of god, and the Christian way of life... and if she refused God's love, she would face the wrath of the mighty wooden paddle of MIGHT!!!

To my relief, Anne returned to her friends unchanged and still very much unholy! She is still planning on meeting Shashley and I in Hell at the big rock with the stain.


I can't say my depression was blown away compleetly, but this is still the greatest thing sence fucking corn syrup! Seriously, so I'm going to rejoyce and damnce and sing and all that jolly crap this year for a change!


alright enough of that... now leave me my comments!!
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