SlipKnot is kool and you suck corey taylers DICK everynight!! o0o0o and what..asswipe!! "o0o0o look at me im a faggot who has nothing better to do than look up news on message boreds about bands i dont even like, because i have no life and just wanna critisize other peoples music because i wish the shit i listen to was half that good"
YEAH im talk'n to you! you flameing fucking faggot!!!!!!! yeah so just go away now cause i think its that time again..thats right its time to go in the bathroom and wack off to the newest issue or hit parader. or just look at the conver of one of your gay ass fucking CD's like... good charlotte, Tim McGraw or Nsync..or ..backstreet boyz! o0o0o yeah you know you want em! so shut up! ass wipe case SlipKnot is BETTER by far than any other band/singer/pornstar/thing on earth so fuck assinine rejected..DUCKLING FUCKER!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU!!! FUCK YOU!!! FUUUUCCCKKKK YOOOOUU!

posted by: repulsion slaughter <mailto:[email protected]>
4/22/2004 2:47:19 PM
screw it, a paper publix bag with tw3 holes cut into it would be just fine or they can do what ghoul does and cut two holes into a pillow case and wear that on their head.. yeah i never got the whole corpse paint thing, but oh well....

ah WAIT I GOT IT , since so many people bitch about it, why dosnt the lead singer get into a cookie monster costume and sing like that, since so many people what to waste their time and whine about it. " boohoo i cant understand him, whats he saying, im a rich spoiled ignorant little bitch who needs to be guided by other peoples lyrics and desperately needs to be told which way the wind blows cause im a faggot, boo fucking hoo"

mailto:[email protected]


Our Reply (April 30th 2004)...(a mouth after the SlipKnot concert!! :) and( annes last day)
                            Rejected wanna-be maggot :)
                            AKA:Dike whore bitch :)