My Pleasure :)
         In our couzy little town of Bithlo, were better to go than the one and only Publix. Thas why Anne and Matt go Publix'N at least once per week.
We partecapate in meny pleasurefull activities. Such as...
            Applying for jobs we know we wont get
            Annoying the costomers as well as staff
            Running, Jummping, Ect.
            Screaming volgurely or inapproprietly
            Riding the electic old people carts even tho we can walk fine
            StEaLiNg :) (Go ahead kids Matt N' Anne say its GOOD to steal! :)
            Going to Mc FUCKING Donalds to have a Mc FUCKING BigMac even tho we Mc FUCKING had three earlyer that Mc FUCKING day!!! :)
            Swinging on the swings at Columbia Elementry
            Chatting with veronica and Betty
        AND MUCH MUCH MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                             Below are pictures taken wile Publix'N (listed by date)                                                       
         January 4th 2004     
         March 13th 2004     
HEY...DRAG QUEENS KOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : )