Name: Joey Jordison
Nickname: Superball, Anal
Number: 1
Mask:Expressionless Japanese Kabuki Mask
D.O.B: April 26,1975
E-Mail: [email protected]
               [email protected]
Lick Me kitty! LICK IT!!
joey is so sexy.. ur just jealous bitch, get ur mouse the fuck off of him
he wants u to suck his dick, but if u did so i would bite u, i would bite u so hard that you would BLEED
I am Joey's master "ANNE", hes mine, I know you want him, but hes MINE!!!!
Joey has two younger sisters named Kate and ANNE (seriously)
Hobbies: Music, video games, sleeping, and sex
JOEY is the best slipknot member (so FUCK you Matt)
Joey is in 2 bands, SlipKnot, and Murderdolls
Joey is the shortest of both bands
Joey is 5'3'' but he prefers to be called 5'4''
Joey created the "s" sign for SlipKnot
Joeys favorite SlipKnot song is (sic) [sexy song if u ask me]
I like eggs
<---That bitch is retarded
SlipKnot rocks harder then ur momma beating a stray cow
Whats it like to be a heretic?