<BGSOUND SRC="vitaminc_graduation.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Better brushybrush your teeth or they will .. get so crusty green...... so crusty & green, green!
YAY its my friend!
Dish b our friend Twiggy
AKA Julia

Twiggy!!Mog! Gurl u awesome.. u a really great friend.. I wub ya very much!! U nd me have had some really funny timez.. like when u me matt n carrie went to twistee treat.. lmao.... im gonna miss u!!:( Rememba that I'll be thinkin of u!!Love ya Julia!!
You best return my damn arm warmers!... but anywayz, your a GREAT friend judy...i..i mean julia... but umm i guess i WONT see you next year becouse your going off to never never land..(univercity high skewl) but ill see you at your home in da ghetto some time.
  PS: Anne thinks your hott.
      PSS: I love you!!!>:0
Dish b our friend Jennifer Berry
AKA Strawberry

Jennifer!! MOG.. u pretty kewl.. Even tho i neva waz really really gud friends with u youre really nice ta me :) lol.. It sux that you and Matt never went out but thats tha way the cookie crumbles... Welp I love ya Jennifer!:)
   YO JENNIFER!!!!!!!!! your my FRIENDDD!!! friend!!!!!!friends!!!!!
my friend!!!!!1lalala!!FRIEND!!! i love you friend!!!!!!...niiiiicceee.. scrunchy....
lemee see... what elts can i say....hmmm lord blahaha wants your bull meats and chicken ballz! so hide em under your bed okay?
Dish b Sarah Daugherty
AKA Anne's Sexay Lezbian beetch!

Sarah Daugherty has been one of mah bestest friends since the beginning of the year.. shes REALLY super funnay and sometimes she gets too much weed in her system and makes me jealous, lmao. I love her very much and she's still one of mah fave Lesbians!!!!! I love you Sarah!!!
Matt: ............ i dont know sarah very well but...i wuv you...
Dish b Melissa T-R-I-M-B-L-E...
AKA skanky hoe w/ hickeys

Melissa used ta be mah best g/f ... no lesbian relations...lmao.. well shes really kewl.. she introduced me to skool skipping.. and then i became Publix Gurl !! I waz actually w/ her when that happened.. but she didnt get caught.. or Treasure Kuel.. uhh.. ya.. lol.. lmao.. Melissa you kick ass!!!! Love ya
I remeber all the times we skipped together...well wait.. there was only one time.. but still it was great...... and thattime we picked oranges from the apple tree...oh no...that was anne.... well....hmmm.... i herd you pissed in the tunnles at the evil church...good job! :)
this b Andrea
AKA piano godess!!!

SH ~Ou*WT    OUTS:
Andrea has been in mah core clas since the beginnin of tha year.. she seems pretty kewl even tho i neva really talk to her.. all i know is that she b matt's friend so she gotta kick ass!!lol... Well hi Andrea!!
Yo andrea! Your my "special piano buddy"
ya know? Mrs.Aquino loves you ya know? She just wants to "cuddle". Dont fear the cuddleing Aquino! COOL *snap* COOL!!*snap*
Anywayz, hope to see you at UHS but your probably going to that shit hole...univercity :( bye!
This b Jessica
AKA /\ teepee

Shout 0uts:
I met jessica at mah meeting thingies on tuesday... eva since we've been friends... she pretty kewl... she loves lollipop lust kill..... lol... yapp thats bout it. love ya
hi..... thanks for those diritos you gave me that one time.... at lunch..when all i had was milk.... yep... and anne says thanks for the cooooool retro.. elephant ear pants thhingies...k bye
Dish b our friend Tweek

               SHOUT OUTTTTZ:
SAM!! You so kewl... It was fun at your birthday partay.. it sux that Matt was too selfish to go... hahaha... It also sux that I just met chu and now i gotta leave! :( Anywayz I'm gonna miss ya!! Love ya Sam
Sam......hi.....your my home gurl! lmma, it sux you have to go to that shithole univercity... it sux to be you.... anywayz, this year was "Bitchen" and it wouldnt have been the same without you home gurl....bye..WUV ya!
~Friendsh 4ever!~BARBIE RULEZ!~ ...hahahahahahaha....
Your friends are faggots, Take me da FACK back home!
Sorry to all our FrIeNsH that we missed...
                  we probably dont have your ugly ass picture.....
i wuv you
This b our friend madison
AKA Lord blahaha's slave whore

Madison!! Maddy has been mah friend since last year in 7th grade... she wanted to read all my shitty ass notes... welp ya thats the way the cookie crumbles.... lol... umm... shes pretty kewl. and  SO is her skatgeboard!!i think its pink...
Matty what up dowg?!!?!?!? I love your skatebored!........ I dont love.... candice!:)
anywayz, i suck at showt outs... so im just gonna say hi!!!!"HI!!" .. i LoVe your skatebored!! its..black right?
CEP is the shiot!!!!!
This b our friend Lily
AKA CEP gurl


Lilly is one of mah friends that i met on the street corner....lmao... she goes to CEP and I talk to her every morning (well I DID) she's pretty cool.. but a crack addict..... lol.  Shes pretty kewl though. I love you Lilly!!!

What up Lilly!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!? You mah home dowg chick G..........
.   ............i gotta pee!!!!!