Jill Masters

British Audio Actress, Narrator and Voice Talent.

Jill Masters has been described as being "blessed with one of the most beautiful and alluring voices in the recording industry". She has recorded numerous audio books in current release for Books on Tape and performed in New York City both in audio drama and in staged multimedia productions written and directed by award-winning playwright Maureen Barnes.

Jill's published work includes the narration and characterization of unabridged audio recordings of novels by Jane Austen, E.M. Forster, Dickens, Hardy, Thackeray, Tolstoy and Zola: the English Histories of A.L. Rowse; Biographies by Henri Troyat and Lytton Strachey; the essays of Virginia Woolf; the work of Jean Rhys, Mary Webb and American author Anne Tyler. All are in current world-wide distribution by Books on Tape, Blackstone and others, with many outstanding REVIEWS.

She has performed in New York City in every performance of Barnes' award-winning play Mourning to Morning, performed in remembrance of, and for the healing of the 9/11 attacks, directed by Michael Evan Haney.

Jill is a long-standing member of Anchor Arts, a coalition of artists committed to reaching Shut-Ins of all ages, especially through the healing nature of art via entertainment.

Through the realm of audio her characters have ranged from children to aging aristocracy, rustics to royalty, documentary to sensuality; from Jamaica to Russia, Dorset and Shropshire to the British Colonies; Queens to Courtesans; Elizabeth I to Tess d'Urberville, Nana, and one of her favorite roles, Prue Sarn, the heroine with the hare lip, in Mary Webb's classic "Precious Bane".

90 Second MP3 Demo

Some of Jill's Literary Heroine Roles Include:

Nana, (Nana);
Becky Sharp, (Vanity Fair);
Prudence Sarn, (Precious Bane);
Anna Karenina, (Anna Karenina);
The Schlegel Sisters, (Howard's End);
Antoinette Cosway, (Wide Sargasso Sea);
Catherine the Great, (Troyat Biography);
Lucy Honeychurch, (A Room with a View);
Tess d'Urberville, (Tess of the d'Urbervillles);
Bathsheba Everdene, (Far From the Madding Crowd);
Helen Gregorovsky, (The Diary of Helen Gregorovsky);
Elizabeth I, ( Elizabeth and Essex; & A.L. Rowse Histories).

Audio Book Reviews

Read professional reviews of Jill's Work.

Jill has received many outstanding Reviews for the 'silken voiced' and 'superb dramatic interpretation' of her work for the audio book industry and, as a voice talent has performed voice overs for stage and theater, commercial radio, cable television, film, industrial and educational for regional and international clients.

A Visual Artist, trained in the Fine Arts in painting and printmaking, with an award for Graphic Design from the One Show, New York, Jill holds a graduate degree in Art Education from London University, and taught five-sensory experimental classes combining Art, Music, Drama and English at Burke School, London, the colorful locale of The Elephant Man, To Sir With Love, Jack the Ripper and docklands of the Dickens era - experiences she draws upon as an actress.

She has enjoyed English Accent Coaching, including work with The Rhode Island Shakespeare Theater (TRIST) and The Incredibly Far Off Broadway Ensemble Theater (TIFOBET). A native of Warwickshire, England, near Stratford on Avon - Shakespeare's birthplace, she is widely travelled and currently resides in Newport, Rhode Island, USA.

E-mail Jill at [email protected]

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