Name: Emma

Age: 17

Birthday: December 13, 1988

From: Atlanta, GA, US

Writing, singing, music, driving, sleeping, watching TV, movies, shopping, food, journalism, travel, technology, Photoshop

Special skills:
I'm awesome at editing for content and correcting mistakes.

Strengths (in your opinion):

Weaknesses (in your opinion):
Food! Sometimes when people do so little as mention good food, I want it right then.

I don't really have one because my name is so short in the first place.

Sometimes, I get distracted trying to write a story. I'll sit down and get all pumped about writing the story...and then I'll  get an e-mail or wander off to my Livejournal. Wikipedia is the worst. I'll start with one page and end up an hour later with ten different, completely unrelated pages. It's seriously like cocaine for nerds.

Favourite colour:
Blue, purple, brown, black

Favourite flowers:
Cherry and pear blossoms. I like the way they scatter.

Something you can't handle:
Pressure from a lot of people at once. I have to have them slow down and wait in line to talk to me.

Something you're afraid of:
Needles . Even mentioning them can make me shudder.

Favourite movie(s):
Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Office Space, South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Memoirs of a Geisha, V for Vendetta

Favourite book(s):
Memoirs of a Geisha, anything by David Sedaris, all Harry Potter books , Louise Rennison's series (Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging and all of its sequels)

Favourite words or phrases:
Big Buckin' Chicken, Cool/Awesome (usually said sarcastically), I'm Rick James bitch (a perennial favorite), O RLY? , Federal pound me in the ass prison, I believe you have my stapler, Royale with cheese, Ideas are bulletproof

Most used emoticon:
:) because I keep it old school and because those complicated Japanese emoticons freak me out

Favourite season:
There's something to like--and something to hate--about all four of them. So, I guess I'll say I like all four!

Favourite foods:
Nearly anything Asian except weird things like duck and eyeball, Ikea Swedish meatballs, cheesecake

Disliked foods:
School food, steak, crunchy peanut butter , olives

First thing you do in the morning:
I wait to hear the weather before getting up and choosing clothes if it's a school day. If it's a weekend, I chill out in bed for a while and maybe watch some TV.

Last thing you do at night:
Watch TV or read

How you spend your days off:
However I want to

What you would take with you on a deserted island:
A cell phone to get back home with and some books to tide me along until I'm rescued. That's talking realistically. If you want unrealistically, I'd take along Sawyer from Lost. He is a hottie boombalotti and would surely help the time go by, plus he's got deserted island experience. 

What you want the most right now:
A car... There was one point where I really wanted a boyfriend, but I figured out that they're not a necessity. Neither is a car, just want one

Favourite kind of clothes:
The comfortable kind. But it should be a good color and look good, too. I'm not going to sacrifice comfort, though.

Your greatest treasure:
My creativity.

What you would do if you won the lottery:
Put a sizable portion of the money in the bank and spend the rest of it as I wish!

Your best sport:
None, I don't play sports.

How you relieve your stress:
I listen to some funny songs, watch a funny TV show, or write some stories.

What you'd do if you were a man:
Actually, there's a book about that.
Self-Made Man by Norah Vincent. Recommended! She goes to a monastery in one part.

What you would want to scream if no one could hear you:
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FLIRT...oh shit, you heard me, didn't you?

Future dream:
I want to become a journalist.

Someone you respect:
I don't want to just do the cliche "my parents" stuff (though I most definitely respect them), so I'll say Anderson Cooper. And if you don't know who he is, Wikipedia him!

Somewhere you'd like to travel:
Japan, England, Ireland, Hong Kong, Hawaii, California, New York

What you'd do the day before the world ends:
Have sex, probably. But only with someone hot.

Here are a few pictures of me taken during my trip to San Francisco (June 19-23).
1 (in the garden at our hotel, Miyako Hotel)
2 (from the plane)
3 (at the entrance to Chinatown)
4 (on a cable car...I am sticking my tongue out and I was hanging on to a pole)
5 (on another cable car, with my mom)
6 (if you don't know what this is, shame on you)
7 (it's so scenic, huh?)
8 (in Alcatraz)
9 (on a really steep bridge at the Japanese Tea Garden)
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