“Nanananah- FATMAN!” theme plays in background. The characters come out as the screen announces them.

First a fat guy in a ski mask with a sheet tied around his neck- “Fatman”.

Next, a thin guy with pointy sunglasses, a load red shirt, shorts and a smaller sheet tied around his neck- “Ritalin”.

 Then a girl dressed in all green with a green mask painted on her face- “Poison Oak”. Finally a girl dressed all in black with a puppy snout and whiskers drawn on her face and a headband with little puppy ears- “Rat-Terrier Woman”


Lights go out, then up, Fatman and Ritalin onto stage


Fatman- The city is in peril! Ritalin, to the Fat-Mobile! (leaps off stage)


Ritalin- (strikes a pose) Holy dramatic pose, Fatman! (leaps off stage after him)


They run across the neighborhood street, Ritalin hopping over a slowly passing car


Ritalin- Get out of the way, citizen!


They come to a beat up black grocery getter station wagon and try to get in. They can’t.


Ritalin- Who has the keys?


Fatman- It won’t open!


Ritalin- I thought I gave you the keys!


Fatman- (beats head on car roof) Where are they?!


Ritalin- I thought I gave um to you!


Fatman- Arg! Come on!


The town off them take off on foot, Fatman running like a… well, fat man.


Poison Oak and Rat-Terrier Woman enter the stage


Rat-Terrier Woman- So what’s the target for tonight?


Poison Oak- It would be the Wal-Mart super center; they senselessly sell innocent vegetables with absolutely no remorse.


Rat-Terrier Woman-  Oh really? … What are we going to do?


Poison Oak- Let’s bomb em!

Rat- Terrier Woman- Good idea! And… and we could egg the outside of the building too!


Poison Oak- Okay, but that’d have to be before the bombing…


Interupted by Fatman’s muffled voice


Fatman- Stop evil doers! Don’t move, don’t even make me… uh…


Ritalin- Holy Kamoly, Fatman, stop eating that donut and talk right!


Fatman and Ritalin are seen on the floor below the stage, “climbing” a rope across the room, as if up the side of a building


Fatman- I think I see ‘em up ahead….


Ritalin- (struggling) Really?


Rat- Terrier Woman- (looking over the edge) What now?


Poison Oak- Let’s spit on them!


Rat- Terrier Woman- Good idea.


 They both make huge logy  hawking noises bent over the railing


Ritalin- Ah! They’re spitting on us!


Fatman- Ah! Sick! (starts to slide down rope and take Ritalin with him)


Poison Oak- That’s not slowing them down… How about we throw some rolled up newspapers at them?


Rat- Terrier Woman- Yes, they are conveniently lying here.


Points to pile of newspapers at they’re feet. They start to pick them up and throw them over the edge. Newspapers fly at Fatman and Ritalin until they let go and fall off the rope. Poison Oak throws one last paper over the edge, as Rat- Terrier Woman sees it


Rat- Terrier Woman- Arf! (pants happily and jumps over the edge after the paper)


Poison Oak- No Rat- Terrier Woman!!!


Lights go out, come back up on Fatman and Ritalin back to back in two chairs.


Ritalin- Arg! We have to get out of this!


Fatman- (starts wailing) Ughh, I want some food!!!


Ritalin- Fatman, stop crying.


Fatman- I miss my mom’s homemade cornbread!


Rat- Terrier Woman and Poison Oak come in


Poison Oak- Hahaha! Still think you can beat us, Caked Crusaders? (Fatman cries more)


Ritalin- Wh- what are you going to do?


Rat- Terrier Woman- We’re going to…


Poison Oak- Torture you!


Ritalin- Why… why?! Why are you so mean?


Fatman- I know, what’d we ever do to you?


Rat- Terrier Woman- You were born! (Fatman really starts bawling)


Poison Oak- We’ll start by plucking the hair from your hairy little chicken legs! (pulls a hair out of Ritalin’s leg)


Ritalin- Ahh! AHHH! No, no, I’ll talk, just don’t pull the hair out of my hairy little chicken legs!


They both pull several more as Ritalin screams in pain. They laugh evilly and leave again.


Ritalin- How can we possibly get out of this?


Fatman- Uh… we could… fart?


Ritalin- Mm. (seriously thinks about it for a moment) I don’t think that will work. Wait, I have it! We’ll distract the enemy! Just a moment hear and… (slips ropes right over his head. Fatman stares at him in disbelief. Ritalin fishes around in his belt, pulls out a whoopee cushion and places it on a near by chair) Thank goodness we brought the Fat- Whoopee Cushion! They’re coming back, hurry! (Jumps back into chair and puts ropes over himself again. Fatman’s still just staring at him)


Fatman- That’s wack.


Rat Terrier and Oak return to gloat again, Oak standing over the chair with the whoopee chusion

Poison Oak- You’re too late, Fatman. In less than an hour, Wal-Mart’s precious produce isle will be blown the bites.


Rat- Terrier Woman- And we just got through egging the big sign out front!


Fatman- You’re in trouble, I’m telling God on you, He knows!


Ritalin- Yeah… um, hey, why don’t you guys… sit down or something?


Poison Oak- (suspicious) Why?


Ritalin- I don’t know, uh, I just wanted to see something…


Rat- Terrier Woman- Okay! (starts to sit)


Poison Oak- Okay. (sits on the whoopee cushion, makes a farting sound. Everyone laughs like it’s all embarrassing. Suddenly Ritalin throws the ropes off and jumps up


Ritalin- Now we make our break!


Rat- Terrier Woman- Haha! Yeah- Hey!


Poison Oak- Get back here!


Fatman and Ritalin run across stage, Poison Oak cuts them off. Rat- Terrier Woman jumps into a crouch behind them and barks.


A classic Batman-ish fight scene happens, with “Pow!” “Ka-Bam!” “Bam!” “Whoa-Nelly!” “Elephant!” appearing on the scene. At one point Fatman and Ritalin start to fight each other while Rat Terrier and Oak take a breather and watch.


Poison Oak- Fatman is so gonna win!


Rat- Terrier Woman- Whatever, Ritalin’s so thin and limber, he can take him out in a heart beat!


Poison Oak- But Fatman has the jelly on him!


Rat- Terrier Woman- Oh, you think so? You think so?!


The two of them start to fight now, and soon everyone’s fighting everyone. Finally, Ritalin is kicked off the edge of the stage by Rat- Terrier Woman, hanging on by his finger tips


Fatman- I’ll save you! (he goes to edge of stage, and Poison Oak pushes him down on top of Ritalin’s fingers. Fatman starts to scream like a girl. The two villains laugh and escape)


Ritalin- Ah! You’re drooling on me!


Fatman- Ahhhhhhhh!


Ritalin- You’re crushing my fingers!!!


The struggle and scream, then freeze as the theme music comes back on


Narrarater- Oh no! Yet another cheesy cliffhanger? Will Fatman finally bite the big one? Is Ritalin’s goose finally cooked? Don’t chew me out! Do-nut go away! Tune in next time! Same Fat-time, same Fat-channel!


Theme ends “Nananananah! FATMA----AN!”

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