Princess Serenity Quite honestly, this was one of the most difficult outfits I have ever made. The inspiration to me was Nessa's lovely Neo-Queen Serenity as well as a lucky find on the fabric sale rack of the double georgette for a dollar a yard. Thankfuly I thought ahead and purchased sixteen yards. The dress was interesting to make, as this was only the second time I was doing an overlay skirt in a sheer. The top of the dress' understructure was fairly complicated as well, requiring a corset to be used as a countersupport for the weight of the gown. The beading was done entirely by hand with individual glass pearls which were strung and sewn to the dress. Details not visible are the beads in the hair, the ring, and earrings. All of the small pieces came together beautifully, although the blue hibiscus flowers were difficult to find and only came in bulk. Several problems occurred in fitting, and the lining was removed as the
entire shape of the dress was spoiled by its' lack of flexibility. The top was also extended and restructured as the high waistline was very unflattering to the figure.
Total cost: 300.00+
Hours spent: Appx. 130

Debut: Metrocon 2006
"Best Individual" Award
Due to time, level of difficulty, and materials availability, this outfit is not available for comission. The price to justify both time and materials would run upwards into the area of 1500.00.
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