Frequently Asked Questions:

Why weren't the "Matching Medley's" released?

Hasbro Inc, the company behind the Jem toyline, had full intent to release the "Matching Medley's."  They were even shown in the Pre-Toy Fair catalog for 1988.  However, the Jem toyline was discontinued due to slowing sales, so the Medley's never made it to mass production.  Nonetheless, the only way Jem doll collectors knew about them was from the catalog pics.

Where did the eBay sellers who listed these fashions, get their stuff?

The eBay sellers either obtained these items from a former Hasbro Inc. employee, or the prototypes came directly from their own portfolio from working on the toy line.

Are there more prototypes, that are not on this website?

I'm sure there are more prototypes out there... it is just a matter of waiting for them to pop up!  If you know of more Jem fashion prototypes let me know!  Even if they are not for sale, I would love to add them to the site!

Who won the fashions when they were listed on eBay?

For the most part, a small handful of "hardcore" Jem doll collectors.  They have been collecting Jem for years, and have pretty much completed their collection of "released" Jem items.  These auctions were not for the faint of heart, as you can see by the ending eBay prices. 

Where could I see more Jem prototypes?

The following two websites, I highly recommend.  They have pictures of doll prototypes, as well as unreleased Jem items for 1988.  The infamous "Jem vs. Pranceatron" website or the "Totally Jem Magic" website.

Why don't you have anything from the Matching Medley # 4065 collection?

Good question!  Well, the Matching Medley pack # 4065 were accessories only.  They included sandals, boots, clear scalloped pumps, hair-ties, bracelets, belts, and even a purse and watch!  However, they simply haven't turned up.  Everything on this site was sold on eBay.  Unfortunately, nothing from the # 4065 collection has appeared (yet).

How big is the Jem collecting community, anyway?

The Jem toyline may have ended more than twenty years ago, but many collectors who grew up with the cartoon and the dolls in the mid-1980's have re-discovered her on eBay as they grew up.  There are also tons of doll collectors who discovered her as adults.  Jem has such a big following that the first annual JemCon was launched in 2005.


The Prototype Number Rundown:

Matching Medley's were prototypes made in the engineering dept.  According to collector, Bradford206, the prototype numbers indicate the year, month, date, and assortment of the fashion. 

EXAMPLE: 609128-01M

The "6" refers to 1986.

The "09" refers to September.

The "12"  refers to the 12th.

The "8" refers to the order it came in that day.

The "-01M" refers to the model number.



Matching Medley Card Sizes:

The LARGE Card has the stock number 4067 Asst.

The SMALL Card has the stock number 4066 Ast. on it which had the dresses, baithing suits, etc. on them in the 88 Pre Toy Fair catalog.

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