* PLEASE NOTE THE UPDATES * (last update: 1/9/07).

Welcome! This page has been updated in light of new information revealed on the Truly Outrageous Jem Yahoo! message board. Originally, most of the information on this link was compiled by fellow Jem collector, Bradford206. His information came from at least three former employees of Hasbro Inc. while Jem was in production.  The pictures here were compiled by Bradford206, its eBay auction, or Pranceatron.  Please do not use any of Bradford206's images without permission.
Thank you.


Hollywood JEM was one of the preliminary ideas for the 3rd year, 1988 Jem toyline.  According to Bradford206's sources, Hasbro was very pleased with the success of the Glitter and Gold JEM toy line, and wanted to repeat that success with another "themed series" of fashions and dolls.  Hasbro originally thought this was going to be an amazing idea and set the groundwork for the design team to start brainstorming new ideas. 

According to one of Bradford206's three sources, who is also the eBay seller of the silver "Hollywood Jem" fashion, this fashion was the only one ever produced, and intended for the Hollywood Jem Doll.


However, a different employee of Hasbro Inc. who worked there while Jem was in production, and who is still currently employed at Hasbro, confirmed to another Jem collector that he/she has never seen this silver Hollywood Jem fashion, so it is highly unlikely that it was intended to be the lead doll for 1988.

Also, in January 2007, Christy Marx, writer and story editor for the Jem series, has recently stated that the Hollywood Jem doll she knows of was pink and ruffly, not silver, according to the photographs of the prototype Jem dolls she received from Sunbow Productions, the animation house behind the Jem cartoon.

Nonetheless, collector, Bradford206 says he has three sources who formerly worked at Hasbro while Jem was in production, who confirmed that the silver Hollywood Jem doll was meant to be the lead doll for 1988.

Actual Photograph of the Pink Hollywood Jem

This blurry, and out of focus picture was actually sent to Christy Marx from Sunbow Productions. It was taken at Hasbro Inc. They marked the photograph, "Hollywood Jem." So this dispells any speculation that there was only one Hollywood Jem fashion being developed.

Screencap Courtesey of: flikr.com

Cartoon Version of the Pink Hollywood Jem

This fashion appeared in only one episode, "Hollywood Jem Part 2."

Screencap Courtesey of: Pranceatron

The Silver Hollywood Jem

The silver fashion appeared a few times on the show,
with and without the hat.

Screencap Courtesey of: Pranceatron

Hollywood Jem Fashion

Many people consider this "Yellow Jacket" fashion to be the Hollywood JEM fashion because of its repeated use on the show. However according to Bradford206's sources it lacks glamour, and isn't "upscale enough" to  match that of the flashy Glitter and Gold JEM fashions.

Screencap Courtesey of: Pranceatron

WHY wasn't the Hollywood Jem Doll ever released?
The design and production teams barely got their feet on the ground before they were notified by higher-ups at Hasbro that the JEM toyline was not meeting financial expectations.  JEM's most recent quarterly sales were volatile in 1987.  Therefore, the design and production teams were informed to cheapen any ideas they had for the line, and make them less costly to produce.  Unfortunately, this lead to the cancellation of the Hollywood Jem line.

IF the Jem line wasn't financially doing well, why were they planning on
releasing the "Rockin' Romance Jem or American Beauty Jem?"

The teams then began working on a line of Jem dolls which were economically lower to produce.  These dolls included: American Beauty JEM, Rockin' Romance JEM, and the re-issued VIDEO and DANSE dolls.  The only two additions were the REGINE and ASTRAL dolls, along with the Matching Medley's, the only fashion line approved due to the tight budget. 

In 1987, the Glitter and Gold JEM doll and fashion line was the lead lthe way that year.  Before the entire JEM toyline was cancelled all together, the 'Powers that be' decided that the JEM "economy line" was okay, but there was no LEAD JEM doll to launch the campaign for 1988.  An example of the "economy doll" for 1987 was the Rock N Curl JEM.  Hasbro considered American Beauty JEM and the Rockin Romance JEM to be the economy dolls for 1988.  But without a lead doll to accompany them in 1988, they thought this would hurt sales.ng f

or Hollywood JEM again, in hopes of getting it approved.  This silv

WHY does the silver "Hollywood Jem" dress look like this Smashin' Fashion?

As you can see from this picture, the pattern of the fashion seems to have been re-used for a Smashin Fashion design.
See the Smashin' Fashions prototype link for more information.


The Prototype Tag on the tights reads 611154-01M.  The two Polaroids are original.  One shows the Jem fashion with a large hat, the first idea for the fashion.  The other photo shows Jem with no hat, but with very long hair. The hat was found to be too expensive to produce, but the extra long hair was found to be more dramatic. The dress bodice and skirt are silver lame. The bodice top, sleeves, and skirt ruffle, are a sheer fabric with silver dots.  The trim along the neck and waist are made of silver sequins. The tights are silver/white knit. The boa is a long white faux fur. 

CLOSING eBAY PRICE: $997.89, November 2006






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