Jem way back then...

I never liked dolls.  I only owned two Barbie's because they were given to me as gifts.  The first time I saw the Jem cartoon, I was hooked!  I loved the drama, the romance, their glamourous careers, and their cool clothes.  I even loved the music on the show.  

The Jem cartoon series aired on WPIX
in New York City.  I remember watching it on Sundays around 8:00am or 9:00am.  I even videotaped them on Betamax cassettes, and would transfer the Jem songs onto audio cassettes through our stereo which was lined up with the entire entertainment unit. 
I think that is pretty advanced for a 9 year old!

As soon as Jem dolls hit the market, I had to have that doll!  I just felt she was the anti-Barbie!  The larger size, the bendable limbs, the flashing earrings, the cassette tape, the singing audition contest, the "flipside" clothes!  I suddenly became a girl!  It even became a competition between me and my friends over who could have the most Jem dolls. 


Here is a picture of me in my early Jem days. 

You can see the bottom of the 'Misfits' poster on my wall.

Above me, you can see my 1st ed Jem, RNC Jem, and Roxy doll


The only dolls I had during childhood were: 1st ed Jem, 1st ed. Pizzazz, Stormer, and Roxy, Kimber, Aja, and Rock N Curl Jem.  The last doll I got was the 2nd edition Kimber.  She was $13.99 at a Woolworth store at the mall.  I had to beg and plead for it because my mother thought she was too expensive.  I specifically remember wondering why Hasbro was re-releasing another Kimber, but with different clothes?  My mother offered me an Ashley doll, but I wasn't interested...  I actually always wanted a Glitter N Gold Jem doll, but it never came to be (until my adulthood).  I did have the Star Stage, and the Rock Backstager!  I just never got my hands on the Rockin' Roadster, so I never felt my playsets were complete.



I remember posing all of my dolls perfectly on the Star Stage and wanting to take pictures of my collection.  I snuck my dad's expensive camera into my bedroom to take pictures, and uhm... somehow broke the camera!  oops!  I wonder whatever happend to the film though!  I wonder if it was ever developed?

After the Jem line of toys was discontinued, I was disappointed, but hey, what can ya do?  I remember the Jem toyline being pretty much the last toy craze I was into before I started getting into video games and 21 JumpStreet, and eventually becoming totally enamoured by Johnny Depp (and still am)!



Jem here and now...

Luckily, I still had a few of my old dolls from childhood, but they were missing most of their outfits, had no shoes, and needed some cleaning up.  

 I discovered Jem on eBay around 2000, but never bought anything; I  just browsed the listings.  I was amazed at how many products were created that I never knew about.  I thought I was just missing the Rockin Roadster, but little did I know there was a KJEM playset I had never seen before!

I also discovered a whole bunch of websites for Jem and was ecstatic to see them!  I wasn't the only Jem fan left!  I was amazed at how detailed their sites were, and how much inside information they had.  

In late 2004, I saw a complete, loose Rock N Curl Jem in perfect condition.  I decided to bid on her for "old time's sake."  I figured it would be cool to have at least one Jem doll in good condition with a full outfit and shoes again.  I won her for about $21.00 including shipping...  Once I received her the fever began!  

Here I am at JemCon2006

I'm wearing my Jem-inspired shirt, with Liz P, and Kimmy!

I had to collect all the Jem dolls I always wanted, but couldn't have as a kid!  The next set of dolls I remember buying were Glitter and Gold Jem and Rio, loose.   

The excitement of opening those Priority Mail boxes as they arrived at my house became addictive!  I started spending alot of money on my newfound collection. 

I also found a slew of other Jem fans on the internet through the site, "Jem and Friends.  So, you may also know me by the name "NYNewZie."

In 2005, the very first JemCon was developed by Liz Pemberton in Minneapolis, MN.  I decided to get involved and join the staff as the Publicity Coordinator.  However, due to financial constraints, I was unable to attend.  

In 2006, the JemCon moved to Orlando, Florida and I was finally able to attend my first con.  I was excited to meet all the people I had been emailing with over the past few years.  It was so cool to be surrounded with dozens of other people who share the same love for Jem, as my friends "offline" don't have any interest in Jem, or any kind of collecting.  =(   I also got to meet Samantha Newark, the speaking voice of Jem, and Patricia Alice Albrecht, the speaking voice for Pizzazz.

The next Jemcon is slated for September 28-30th, 2007!

  I would like to give special thanks to all the people who helped me with this site.  This my first real website!  It is made possible with information and pictures from the eBay sellers, and the eBay winners.  Special shout outs to: Brad, Ric, Krista, Brian, Tommy, Bethany, Jonas, Stefan and the rest of the "Jem and Friends" community for their support!  Thanks for visiting!- kpm


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