Our New House - The Lot is Cleared

Our sales counselor told me that I was welcome to stop by any time to check on the progress with the house. So it's no surprise that even before the foundation was poured, I was stopping by almost daily, so I could give Eric updates when we spoke online or by phone later that evening!

It seemed like nothing happened for ages, so I was thrilled when I went by the lot to see that they had started clearing it. Even more thrilled to note that the two trees I had asked that they try and save when we did the "ribbon survey" were still standing. (Note: the one in the front yard was later sacrificed for the pathway to the front door.)

I've lived in Houston 25 years now and this the first time I've had a mature tree in the back garden. I've found myself stopping by at different times of day to see what the shade patterns will be like and it looks like we'll get some nice afternoon shade from our pine tree.

Not to mention all the pine cones I'll ever need for Christmas projects....

A week or so later, the lot was fully prepped and the form for the foundation had been framed in.

Our future neighbors across the street probably think I'm a little crazy as I have been climbing around the site taking photos from every conceivable angle!

I'm really drawn to photos of our future back garden and I'm already getting excited about creating a new garden here. You'll be able to follow my progress on my Gardening pages.

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Photograph ©Until Then Graphics
The village of Kimberton, Pennsylvania

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