Our New House - The Landscaping

When Kathy and I had gone to the house on May 26th, I noted that the sprinkler system had been installed. Eric and I had discussed landscaping and we thought that it would be easier if I could mark out where I wanted flower beds so they didn't lay sod down in that area. Imagine my surprise when I emailed our Sales Agent Margaux on the 28th and she replied that the sod had been laid the day before (the 27th!)

So of course, being an avid gardener (which takes dedication in Houston, let me tell you) I rushed over with the camera to get some pictures.

In addition to a nice mulched flowerbed in the front of the house, there were also two small trees. They appear to be some sort of oak, but I couldn't swear to it.

Along the driveway and path to the front door, the flowerbeds were accented with rock. When I spoke with Margaux, I asked if we could get the rock continued around the whole bed, as I had seen with some other homes. It's an add-on, so we'll have to pay extra for that, but I think it will be worth it.

In the back garden, the sod was laid and mulch had been laid around the pine tree. I've been over several times since, checking out the shade patterns created by the tree at different times of day. I think it's going to be a wonderful garden to live and work in. While I still get emotional at the thought of leaving my current garden, I'm also very excited at the thought of planning, designing and planting the new garden.

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