Bill Cullen
Broadcast history: NBC Daytime July 1, 1974 - January 3, 1975
Host: Bill Cullen
Announcer: Don Pardo

Heated match in progress Four players competed in each match. In the first part of the game, two players, a challenger and a champ, tried to create a word under a certain category displayed on theOats! You're on a Winning Streak! board (ex: "Words with a Double 'O'"). Sixteen letters were also shown under the category, and could only be used the number of times they appeared on the board. The challenger picked one, and Bill asked a question with the answer starting with that letter. Whoever buzzed-in with the correct response could take the letter and place in a spot, or pass it up. Players could clear their board if they so wished and start fresh. The first to create a word won the game.

In the second part of the game, the winner tried to make money. To start, they picked a square numbered 1-6. This established a dollar value, and these ranged from $100 to $500. Then, the contestant selected a slot between 7 and 18. A letter was revealed, and they were credited with the money if they made a word containing that letter. They could double their money by picking another spot and making a word containing those two letters. This continued until the contestant quit or they failed to make a dictionary certified word.

A far cry from that big figure we hear in the beginning of the program Another game was played with two challengers. The winner then played the same letter game for money. If both winners came out of the round with money, then there was a showdown for the combined total of their earnings. The player who made the most money picked who would go first. Then, they alternated picking letters and making words. The first player to falter lost, and the opponent won the money and faced a new challenger. Should the winner of one game fail at the letter board early on, the other automatically gets the money they made and faces a new challenger. If both players failed at the board, then four new players competed in the next pair of games.

Later in the run, the format was changed. Each letter was worth points, and the players tried to acheive a point goal to advance to the money round. However, no episodes of this format exist, so it is not reviewed here.

I thought it was fun, at least. A lot of people disagree with me, but I thought the game was pretty fun...or, at best the letter board. The main game is a bit pedestrian, but there's some good play-along elements and excitement in the second portion. The $100,000 mentioned at the top of the show is probably unobtainable - I'm sure the letters aren't configured well enough to lend themselves to a well-known 12-letter or more word.

Cast - 2.0
Game - 1.0
Bells and Whistles - 1.0
Prize - 1.0
Tilt - 1.0

[ 06.0 ]

Bill Cullen runs the game smoothly as always. The set is a little empty, and the circular contestant areas are funny looking. Don Pardo is a dry announcer on this show. The theme music is decent.

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