The Burning House
Book Two of the Thran Chronicles

by H. David Blalock
(Booklocker, 252 pages, $15.95 POD, $8.95 E-book)
ISBN 1-59113-439-0

Raised to be the Jarl of House Thran, Daepar, the son of the legendary Andalarn Thran, dreads the responsibilities and soon finds himself in the middle of a series of crises. His wife's father assassinated, House Thran threatened anew by the rival House Suum, and, most disturbing of all, the appearance of a stunningly seductive woman. As Mara, his wife, becomes more distant because of his reluctance to avenge her father's death, Anga, the other woman, draws closer.

When Daepar's father and mother disappear under suspicious circumstances, he faces the possibility he is now alone in the world. Worse yet, he finds his father's shadow to be heavier still. At every turn, he encounters unexpected resistance from the very people he had thought he could trust.

How can a man who is unsure of his own competence come to grips with the profound demands of being Jarl of House Thran?

Don't forget these other books by H. David Blalock

Eclectic Dreams: The Collected Short Stories of H. David Blalock Metanoia: A Priestly Theology

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