<BGSOUND SRC="Im_In_You.mid">
Whenever I think of Love, I think of a yellow rose. Its beautiful golden hues
dance upon a background of green leaves. Never ending...stable and noble.
Whenever I think of Love,I drift back in time....A little girl striving to learn a new dance step. A teenager awaiting her first kiss from her first "love". A magical wedding to my KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR, ever exceeding all the joys that being "in love" can bring. Whenever I think of Love, I think about the trials and tribulations of motherhood...my baby's first word, my baby's first step, first day in school, and my daughters high school graduation. All the joys that make me proud to be a mother and a friend to my daughter....And...whenever I think of Love...my eyes fill up with tears as I re-call my loved ones who have passed on but leaving a legacy to learn from.
This is truly LOVE...
Copyright 2003. Jamie Mallinson
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws