Pictures Of My Life!

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Me, California 1998 MeStanding on the hills above the noted sanitarium, Rancho Del Sur, in California.
Me & Doc Nagel Escape! FREEEEDOM!Climbing over the fence outside the noted sanitarium, Rancho Del Sur, in California.
The good man, taking his rest ArrrrggghhhOn the beach at Big Sur.
The Wife, Christmas 1998 The WifeThis is my wife, Rachelle. She created this web site for me. In fact, she typed this little description too. She is wonderful and I love her. I don't know what I would do without her. She is talented and fabulous. And modest too!
The Dog GrrrrrrrThe Chief Executive of our household.
Me and Doc Nagel, at my wedding, December 1996 Me and ChrisChris was Best Man at my wedding, and it's been downhill for him from there.
My late Grandfather, My Father, & Uncles Dave and Chris Dad etcThe Williams Brothers and Pop.
Me & my Crack Team of Poetry Experts: The Wife and Doc Nagel Take that! And that! And a couple of these!Chris relaxes after the wedding, while I prepare to offer him my reward for his inestimable services.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK! August 2000 ButcheryIn the Slaughterhouse District, obviously. The object on display is a dismembered fibreglass cow. All the rage at Manhattan's finest eateries.
A View From Ellis El WiferinoThe Wife at Ellis Island. Unfortunately, the whole of Manhattan took the opportunity to crowd in behind her. The louts!
A Portrait Of The Artist As Another Damned Tourist TOURIST TOURIST TOURISTI can't help it. I love the place.
A View from the Bus Oooooooooo!Rachelle caught this view of Manhattan on the way onto the island. Nice, huh?
CALIFORNIA! Again. Spring 2001 Steinbeck Country!The San Luis Resevoir on the way to Monterey. I'm amazed this shot, taken from a moving vehicle & trying to capture a view framed by hills, came out at all. This was actually the best part of the trip to Monterey, perhaps aside from walking the shore of the Bay itself. The rest of it's basically a mall.
Hey! Pull over! I've been meaning to do that for YEARS!! Oi.The variety of roadside services in California is astounding. (Actually the dilapidated sign for a defunct motel.)
Some day, my son, all of this will be yours! Vista.The Central Valley, Chris & Kim's adoptive home. (You cannot see their house from here. Don't try.)
The Ginger Bread Girl Quack.My niece Cayla made this laminated paper ginger bread girl, which members of the family were supposed to take around & document her travels. Cayla's made it as Far West as California, as far East as Singapore (thanks to my Dad). Here she is greeting a duck at Yosemite National Park.
Me & Chris at Yosemite. Vista.At Yosemite, you tend to spend alot of time looking up.
City Lights Bookstore Book? $16.95. Chair? $22. View of someone else's laundry? Priceless.The pretention is palpable, but the literature is excellent: City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco, where I have yet to run into Lawrence Ferlinghetti.
Beat it! Whack!Chris sometimes takes things a bit too literally.(LITERALLY! HA! I SLAY MYSELF!)
HEY! A LITTLE HELP HERE?! Ouch.No ginger bread girls were harmed during the production of this web page.
The backseat of Chris's car, where the ginger bread girl spent the majority of her time in California. 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer...The view is tremendous.
At the top of Mount Laconte, April 2003: My Dad, myself, our pals Danny and Alex, and my uncle Chris. We came we saw, we froze.The view this year consisted pretty much of what you see here: snow, snow, and snow.
The same, but with my brother, Doug, to my right. We came, we saw, doug caught a snowflake on his tongue.The view remains the same.
This was the view the previous year, April 2002, when the temperature was in the upper 60's, the skies were cerulean blue, and, at times when I found myself alone on the trail to the top, the only thing I could hear was the wind in the trees. That's better.Uncle Chris, pal Alex, myself, Dad, pal Danny, brother Doug kneels in the foreground.