SO IT LOOKS like Geocities, finally, at long last, will be closing. As of October 26th, they now say, Geocities and all it represents will be no more. Which leads me to the overwhelming question:

Do I care? Does anyone care? Are we caring about this?

Let me set this up carefully: I have deeply enjoyed having this thing, this web page or site or whatever you want to call it. I have played with it as a form as much as I have used it to post my junk, and the few contacts I have gained through it-- and really, we're talking like four, five, maybe six time people have strolled by, found something of interest, and hit me back-- have been more than gratifying. I got anono-flamed exactly once, which, given the duration and the period in which the site has existed, is great luck. (Despite being some indication that not a whole lot of browsers have stopped by, whole history.)

Of course, it wasn't my idea in the first place. My wife set it up way back in 96 or 97, strictly for the hell of it, and I only picked it up as she gradually became too busy to spend time on it. (As of even date, I am, and remain a kept man, living on the Wifey's dime, serving at the pleasure of the Executive.) And there was always a level of hubris to the whole "Geocities" concept that I wasn't comfortable: the project was driven by the whole notion of the "online community," and it became notorious over the years as a dumping ground for half-assed 'net projects, a place where family histories and sports club records went to die.

I looked into host-for-pay sites a coupla different times, and went so far as to set one up upon occasion; the thing dumped me after a little less than a year. And I mean dumped. The way I found out they blanked my content and put the IP address up for sale was when I when there after they sent me a note demanding more payment. Minutes after. Say whatever else I might about Geocities, it has been a most loyal host.

Even up to now. I have a sneaking suspicion, totally unfounded, that the reason the deadline is so far outlying is they hope that there will be enough of an outcry that they can eventually justify keeping it up and open. I will not be among them. I am simply not a protestant, I suppose.

So, in the meantime, or perhaps for the last time, here is the latest. This one is a postcard. Or maybe the distilled version of the much longer, and perhaps too ponderous, Big Sur Poem. Or maybe a psychic shift, or rift, or maybe an indication that I am finally getting old enough to know when I ought to just shut my fat yap.

Whatever. I like it.

BIG SUR, JUNE 21, 2009

�Why would Big Sur inspire anyone to write? It�s so peaceful.�

--Christopher P. Fuckin� Nagel,ten and three quarters years previous

We come here every time, to this place
That breaks my heart, every time. Surf, sun, sand,
Verdant hillsides that steal the eyes heavenward.
This place that makes me want to say stupid things,
Like �Love is in this land,� or
�God lives here.� Nothing
Some other idiot hasn�t said already,
But stupid things nonetheless.
Makes me want to sing and dance, this place does, and yet
It strikes me dumb.
So we come, and invite ourselves
To this broad beach, this breach
Between the ocean and the land, this fissure
In consciousness, and sit
Toasting the solstice, which will occur
Whether we toast it
Or not.

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws