Vancouver Anarchists say “Another War is Possible”

by the Anarchist Analytical Laboratories – Vancouver
British Columbia, Canada
March 22, 2004



Anarchists at march against the occupation of Iraq
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
March 20, 2004

On March 20, a small group of anarchists marched amongst thousands of other people against the ongoing imperialist military occupation of Iraq. Carrying a banner with the words “Class War” and flying black flags, the anarchists yelled “Victory to the Iraqi resistance!” and “Bring the war home!”, disturbing the pathetic pacifist and middle-class tone of the protest. When the top bureaucrat of the BC Federation of Labour began to speak, we anarchists heckled the parasite by chanting “General Strike! General Strike!”, much to the displeasure of a few zombie peaceniks. Unable to stomach the New Democratic Party (NDP) politicians coming up on the speakers list, the anarchists disengaged from this nightmarish social-democratic pep-rally and promptly returned to real life. Anarcho-poser Noam Chomsky also spoke after we left.

Later that night, we anarchists joined the Vancouver and Secwepemc Native Youth Movement (NYM) chapters at a NDP party gala event which Noam Chomsky was also speaking at. NYM, Gustafsen Lake defenders, and No One Is Illegal - Vancouver organized a counter-event because of the NDP’s role in the police paramilitary assault on indigenous Secwepemc sovereigntists in 1995 (at that time the NDP was the ruling provincial government) and their ongoing asshole behavior since then. Chants of “Indian Land!” and “NDP-Enemy!” annoyed more than a few “progressive” middle-class ticket-holders who would rather ignore the war and occupation which has been going on in BC since European settlers colonized this land. A significant number of socially-maladjusted freaks known as “Police” also showed up to “keep the peace” at this oh-so-high-priority “public order incident”.

In the present context of increasing Canadian military occupations in Afghanistan and Haiti, and the continual suppression of indigenous people’s self-determination, now more than ever we must fight the democratic illusion which props up this system, attacking politicians and pigs of all kinds whenever they appear in public. We can’t and don’t want to demand that our oppressors “bring the troops home”, because this isn’t their home, this is a settler state on stolen Indian land. And against wishy-washy calls for “peace”, which can only mean the continuation of this exploitive and miserable society, we still say that another war is possible – unrelenting class war!!!

Past anti-war actions -

Vancouver Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre Smashed (April 2003)

Vancouver Actions Against the War on Iraq (March 2003)

Anti-Capitalist Contingent at February 15 (2003) Anti-War March in Vancouver

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