The Fires of Revolt: December 19th and 20th in Argentina

The Rebellion of the 19th and 20th of December, 2001, was one of the greatest events of the contemporary history of the country. The fury of millions of the oppressed that broke out in those days showed a deep refusal of the political caste of the entire ideological spectrum, of its institutions, of its representation. Emerging in a spontaneous form, hundreds of autonomous and horizontal groups in the neighborhoods put under discussion many diverse questions and dared to think of solutions without the mediation of parties or governments.

For some months, the social effervescence broke the normality of the system, showing enormous creative potentialities.

As we know, these buds of self-organization did not reach the point of transformation of the beginning of a Revolution. The maneuvers from above to retake the initiative and reaccommodate, with new speeches, the same old capitalist interests, added to the sad role played by Left and Center-Left groups and the limitations of a heterogeneous and multi-class movement that does not pose more radical ruptures than simply rejecting the same old politicians, that is to say, that does not come to the conclusion that it is possible to live not only without corrupt and repressive politicians but directly, without governments or states, in the current "Era K" [the era of President Kirchner] as well.

In spite of this, the fires of December were not extinguished. Every so often embers catch fire, like in Haedo, Gualeguaychu, La Matanza, etc. The methods of the piqueteros and asamblearios (the more genuine ones, not their caricatures) are daily tools in the social struggles. Fighting from where we are and with the arms which we consider appropriate against all forms of domination and oppression is the urgent task for all revolutionaries. So that the next struggles gain in antagonism and come into a more direct confrontation with the established order, without democratic illusions, reformist and electoral.

Against the State and Capital:
Self-Organization in the Social Struggle!

- Anarchists
December 19, 2006

[ Rosario, Argentina ]
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[ Photos from the December 20th, 2006, street actions in Buenos Aires on the anniversary of the 2001 revolt: ]

Insurrectionary Anarchists of the Coast Salish Territories

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