mandy ashford

Mandy grew up in Clinton, MS before her love of music and performing brought her to Orlando, FL, to help create Innosense. Mandy's talent was evident even as a small child. She was dancing and singing by the age of five which lead to performances at State Fairs, Rodeos and the Ms. Mississippi Pageant. As a cheerleader, beauty queen and homecoming court member Mandy was liked and respected by all. She's not only beautiful, she's smart too as evidenced by a 4.0 GPA and a full scholarship to college.

Full Name: Mandeline Elizabeth Ashford

Birthdate: 3/16/79

Birthplace: Clinton, Mississippi

Current Residence: Orlando, Florida

Height: 5'6"

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color Green

Brothers/Sisters: Failan and Alicia

Parents Names: Al and Cindy Ashford

Pets: Dog in MS- Bruizer; 2 Chinese Pugs at home in Orlando, Chyna and Asia

First Ambition: For Innosense to have great success

Favorite Book: Left Behind (Series)

Favorite Sport: Basketball

Musician: Madonna

Favorite Song: "I will always love you"

Favorite Movie: Top Gun/Grease

Favorite Actor: John Travolta

Favorite Actress: Julia Roberts/Meg Ryan

Favorite TV Show: Any morning cartoon

Favorite Food: Seafood

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Car: Mercedes 500, convertible/2 door (black)

Favorite Type of Clothes: Sexy but classy

Favorite School Subject(s): Math, Science and Marketing

Least Fave School Subject(s): History

Musical Instrument(s) Played: Tried the piano but it just wasn't me

Pastime: All family holidays and vacations

Hobbies: Love to go out dancing, going to the beach and shopping.

Biggest Like: Like meeting people and making new friends (definetely too many to list)

Biggest Dislike: I don't like beef?

If you had one wish, what would it be? To have many more! (Is that greedy?)

What do you look for in a girl/guy? I like for a guy to be very confident, have a good sense of humor and independent.

Perfect way to spend a date: Cuddling up, watching a funny movie and eating tons of popcorn

Most Prized Possession: My puppies and my Marilyn Monroe collection, also definetely my journal and all my pictures.

Favorite Childhood Memory: Every Summer since I was born, my family and I go to our beach house in Alabama and spend weeks together there.

Describe Yourself: Fun, sarcastic, loyal, loving and sensitive

Where do you go to get away from it all? My bedroom- that's where all of my personal things are ( I can think straight there)

What era would you visit and why? The Flappers period- Tell me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that a big breakthrough period for women.

If you couldn't be in show biz, what would you do? Another dream of mine was to become a supermodel - but I was going to school to become an occupational therapist before the group.

What inanimate object would you be? The Bible

People would be surprised to know that: I was a 4:0 student as you can always catch me in my own little world.

Personal message to your fans: Be yourself and never give up, you only have one life to live so live it up!

What's something you'd like to do that you've never done before? Play the part of Sandy in the musical "Grease"

What's the best thing about acting and/or singing? It's the best way that I can express myself and it's what I love to do.

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