Our Society is dedicated to understanding the past to better portray it in works of fiction. (Other Eras)



Excerpts from

Elizabethan Research:



Fashion Fact: "In 1562 a proclamation was issued against the wearing of great breeches, and no one was permitted to have more than a yard and half of kersey in them."--British Costume during XIX Centuries-C.H. Ashdown


Court Fact: (pending)



Diary Entry: 

Example de Jour:  1599:  15 August--In the Morning at 6 o'clock I prayed privately: that done, I went to a wife in travail of child, about whom I was busy till 1 o'clock, about which time, she being delivered and I having praised God, returned home and betook myself to private prayer two several times upon occasion: then I writ the most part of an examination or trail of a Christian, framed by Mr Rhodes, in the doing where[of] I again fell to prayer, and after continued writing after 3 o'clock: then I went to work till after 5, and then to examination and prayer: the Lord make me thankful, who  hath heard my prayers and hath not turned his face from me: then I talked with Mrs Brutnell till supper time, and after walked a little into the fields, and so to my prayers, and then to bed.--The Diary of Margaret, Lady Hoby from Women Writers inRenaissance England-R. Martin


Featured Link: Pregnant Queen Elizabeth?


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