Angel Brooks/Parrish
Angel arrived in the bay in 1993 and sold Shane some fake concert tickets.
She was hospitilised soon after arrival and went to stay with Fisher where she and Shane constantly argued.
They fell in love of course but whilst Shane was working at the police station he found out Angel had given up her baby and convinced her to track him down.
Angel was really happy when Shane and Dylan got on so well.
She married Shane in 1995 after being run over by Alf Stewart and almost having to call the whole thing off.
Angel , Shane and Dylan where on a nice day out when Shane suddenly collapsed, unfortunately he died.
Angel became pregnant again and when trying to get to the hospital in bad weather she was sure she saw Shane on a motorbike leading them to the road . She called the baby Shane.
Angel left the bay in 1996 to start a new life with boyfriend Simon.
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