Summer Movie Time!

Get ready, 'cause it's coming!

After seeing Atom Egoyan's film The Sweet Hereafter, I was struck by two things. First, that Mr. Egoyan was the director who should of carried off the Acadamy Award last year; the film knocked the other films in the catagory -if you'll pardon the expression- out of the water. Truly a great film. Secondly, I realized it might be the last truly good film I see in awhile. That's right, the summer movie blitz is coming.

Like the swallows returning to Capistrano, it's late spring every year when the big, big, summer movies come lurching into the multiplexes. While I could complain about the unoriginality of the movies coming out [two big-rocks-hit-the-earth movies?] I'm not going to. I could also complain about how these big, bloated movies crowd out smaller, quality films. For instance, I could complain that more people are going to go see Robert DuVall's "Big Rock" movie than the amazing performance he gave in the film The Apostle, but, judging from the early returns, that might not be the case. Really, all this means is that big, crazy spectacles of movies will be running rampant for a few months. As long as they're entertaining, who cares? But if those klutzes who made Independance Day do wrong by Godzilla, there's going to be hell to pay...

There used to be a joke here but I got rid of it. Sorry 'bout that. Go back to the movie section. Or, click here to go back to the main page.

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