Son of the Movie Page

Oooh, Noir! This is pretty much the same deal as the previous movie page, I just felt like seperating the pages to make it a bit easier to sort through. The movies are still tossed up in a haphazard manner, now there are just two pages of them. Enjoy! Also, remember that Spoiler Warnings apply here as they do on the other movie page.

Mortal Kombat 2 What a stupid way to kick off the page.

Planet of the Apes by Stanley Kubrick Cosmic Chris lets his mind wander during an e-mail message.

Deep Blue Sea A guest shot at sharks by Kevin.

Blair Witch Project A not-quite review of the film.

Island of Doctor Moreau A guest review by Cosmic Chris which continues this page's odd obsession with primates.

Children of the Corn:666 A guest review by Kevin. I'm afraid you'd have to know Kevin to understand just how signifigent this review is.

Gamera 1&3 Cosmic Chris carries on about just how dull the concept of a rocket powered turtle can be.

Girl, Interrupted If Winnona Ryder keeps playing teenagers for too much longer she'll qualify for a part in the revival of Grease.

South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut I can't believe I watched, much less am reviewing, this film.

Oscars 2000 It's back...

Yoda Get yer Yodas right here!

Gladiator Stuff subtly, we're going to make a movie about gladiators!

Wild Things You'll enjoy it when you watch it, but what will you think of yourself the next morning?

The World is Not Enough A guest review by Shriner Micah!

DVD Me discussing my latest toy.

The Patriot A guest review by Shriner Marcus!

The X-Men Shakespearean actors being yanked through the air on wires: that's what Hollywood is all about.

The Billy Jack Guide to Cinema Rank movies the Billy Jack way.

The Ultimate Warrior How could I not watch a movie where Yul Brynner gets into street fights?

The Ten Commandments Who needs Titanic, THIS is the biggest movie ever.

Charlie's Angels and The Matrix "One of these things is not like the other..."

La Blue Girl For those who felt Wild Things was too restrained.

Conan the Barbarian If you're only going to see one big, stupid barbarian movie, make it this one.

The Three Caballeros Okay, in this film Donald Duck goes on vacation in Mexico and proceeds to raise hell... no, I haven't been drinking.

Mighty Joe Young You can't keep a good monkey down.

Oscars 2001 My yearly grousing is back yet again.

Tarzan by Disney Guest vine swinging by Cosmic Chris

King Kong Lives I've been posting an awful lot of monkey-themed reviews lately.

Rock 'n' Roll High School Gabba Gabba Hey! Gabba Gabba Hey!

The Mummy Returns This space reserved for CGI effect to be added later.

Pearl Harbor Lots of boats, lots of romance, lots of time to take a nap.

Tarantula Big bugs, big monkeys, big radioactive lizards... I cover a wide variety of subjects on this page.

Conquest of the Planet of the Apes Guest monkeying around by Cosmic Chris.

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