Yep, it's a page of links all right. Take a look-see at some of the other wonders out there on the net. Or, you can just zap back to the main page if you start feeling insecure.

I've come to the conclusion that I should try to put these links in some sort of order, but that would mean I might as well reorganize the rest of the page as well. Sounds like too much work to me.

Tide Homepage Yes, it's a page soley dedicated to the laundry detergent, Tide. What I like about this page is that it doesn't even try to be hip [see the corporate page for Pop-Tarts to see a truly annoying 'trying to be hip like the kids' sort of page.] Instead, the Tide page covers the pretty uninteresting subject of laundry detergent from a mind-boggingly large number of angles. With subjects ranging from the Tide archives, the history of Tide, a photo gallery of dirty people made clean, as well as general laundry tips, this site is the only site for Tide you'll ever need.

The Onion, America's Finest News Source

Again, not for the younger set, but fun nonetheless. Plus, it gets regular updates!

Daikaiju Hubbard and Dulce has gone and gotten themselves a webpage! It's right here. Enjoy their discussions on travel, Hubbard's overly analytical -yet still somehow clueless- views on football, and many other things they have yet to post. Perhaps they'll eventually explain why they moved from Hawaii to, of all places, Nebraska.

Plus, Daikaiju Hubbard has been really working on a page dedicated to nothing but the film Godzilla vs Destroyer. It's quite impressive and worth a look.

Good Mr. Evans has gone and set himself up a page and it's right here. I must say that my fellow shriner has been working quite hard on the Drones Club and it shows.

Big Dig... why Boston sucks.

If you're going to go through all the trouble of not only watching a movie but writing a review of it you might as well go whole-hog and review it in a manner no one else is going to attempt. And You Call Yourself a Scientist! pulls this trick off by reviewing horror and B-movies with all the joy and zeal one can only find in a fan, the webmistress also discusses films from the viewpoint of someone with a scientific mind. Crossing real science with the dodgy world of movie science isn't always pretty, but it is pretty entertaining.

When it comes to movie reviewers a majority of them, for reasons I can't quite explain, look like Leonard Maltin. I was beginning to think I was going to have to buy some glasses and a tweed jacket before I went to see another movie until I came across 3BlackChicks. Not only are the reviews found on this page well thought out and frequently updated [a habit I should really pick up] but the world-view of the critics bring to the films is refreshingly different.

There are web pages out there that exist for no discernible reason other reason than that the company executives feel they need to have an internet presence regardless of how little sense it makes. One example of this is the home page for WD40. Exactly why the world needs a home page dedicated to a water displacing lubricant is anyone's guess, but if you feel the need to read about WD40 be sure and learn about other products such as Lava soap and the sinister sounding X-14. Even better, you can purchase WD40 novelty items such as t-shirts and down-load high quality WD40 images that are suitable for framing or possibly could be used as wallpaper on your CPU monitor. Who would have guessed a person could live a full WD40 lifestyle?

A few years ago the internet was touted as an amazing tool that would bring the people of the world together in a shared state of cyber bliss where the sum total of the human experience was just a few short key strokes away. Thing is, that didn't work out. Instead, the internet remains the dumping ground for advertisments, fire-walled academic work, and as a place where individuals can post nonsense for the world to see. I like this last aspect of the internet. I also appreciate it when someone takes a funny joke and repeats it endlessly until the very repetition becomes funny. Both of these ideas come together in the internet shrine to General Zod. I didn't even much care for Superman 2 but who doesn't love General Zod?

Classic Books - condensed into a minute Because the actual pieces of literature take too dang long to read.

Adopt a Monkey While I know the Primate Refuge and Sanctuary of Panama is doing good work what's important about this link is that it lets you ADOPT A MONKEY! You know you want to adopt a monkey!

Buy a Monkey If the adoption route isn't hands-on enough for you, here's a link that will let you order a monkey online. You know it's an above the board operation when they can assure the customer of door to door delivery of their monkey. No more having to drive to the downtown post office to pick up your monkey, now you can have your primate delivered straight to your door.

Presidential Pet Museum. The title pretty much says it all. Do you want to read up on Socks the cat? Do you want to know how many US Presidents have owned goats over the years? This page is for you.

Film Freak Central One of my favorite movie review sites on the internet.

Film Threat It's been going for years and is still as film geeky as ever.

News From Me Looking over the resume of Mark Evanier I'm sure I've seen a few shows he's worked on or read a few of the stories he's published but for some reason I find I seem to most enjoy his comments about nothing in particular. Daily does of not much can be found in his blog as well as sections describing such oddities as television ticket stubs and the entire run of the comic book tie-in to The Dick Van Dyke Show. I can only dream that my page could be as entertaining as the one James Lileks has.

Hey ho, if you would like to be linked here, drop me a line at [email protected] and I'll add you in.

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