Beyond the Valley of the Dolls

A quick sorta review

There are some movies that defy description and this is one of them. Beyond the Valley of the Dolls isn't actually a sequel to The Valley of the Dolls, but is supposed to be a movie-length parody of the previous film. However, the only subject that Beyond ends up parodying is itself. In a nutshell, the movie is kind of like what would happen if Josie and the Pussycats got into freewheeling sex and rampant drug use. Full of mod fashions, gratuitous nudity, gratuitous ascot-wearing, over-the-top characters including the scenery-chewing Z-Man, groovy song numbers, Laugh-Instyle editing, and an ending that manages to come out of nowhere in spite of the fact that it was ruined during the opening credits, you know you've got a winner. More than any other movie I've discussed to date, this is one flick that isn't for the young or faint of heart. But if you're old enough and crazy enough to handle this nonsense, get hunting for this title.

Plus, the film was written by a very young Roger Ebert. How can you not want to watch an NC-17 movie from 1970 that was written by Roger Ebert? Catch it if you can, it ranks a 10 on the Groove-O-Meter.

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