The Sci-Fi hit the Sliders takes you to a different world every week.  This show has had a lot of interesting episodes.  It's based on the premise of a small group of individuals sliding from dimension to dimension on the same planet and time.  The show started with the characters Quinn, Wade, Professor Arturo, and the Crying Man.

This original group was perfect as it was the perfect balance for character development.  Sliders originally aired on FOX, but moved to the SCI-FI Channel where it currently resides. The Professor was killed to be replaced by Maggie. Then Wade was captured by the evil Cromags.  The group was then joined by Quinn's brother Collin.  In the latest season, two new characters have replaced Quinn and Collin.  One character being part Quinn and the other part Quinn's alternate.

These new guys are good actors, but it is a little strange to have the main character Quinn Mallory, the inventor of sliding, to suddenly be missing from the show.  This show is good entertainment, but I think they are really missing out on the excellent opportunities that the entire premise of show offers.  I really wish the show would  develop their story lines around the differences of each world.  Differences like what would the world be like if JFK was never assasinated?  What if the south had won the Civil War, Watergate never happened, the New Deal  was never put in place, Elvis became President, and on and on.  The possibilities are endless. As Rembrandt might may,  It would be a crying shame if these possibilities weren't touched on before the end of the show's run.
And might I suggest the return of the Professor?  In one episode the Professor's double gave the group a very difficult time.  It was never established with certainty that the Professor who slid was the right one.  Basically the group let the Professors fight it out ,and took the winner.  Professor Arturo brought a nice level of conflict between the characters that was very believable. I suggest bring him back as well as the rest of the cast, no matter how much money the SCI-FI Channel has to cough up.  I am positive that with the possibilities that this show could explore, the SCI-FI Channel is sitting on a gold mine of ratings and aren't even aware of it.


Quinn Mallory and his companions journey through parallel dimensions of Earth . Original. TV tie-in.


Sliders: The Classic Episodes
by Brad Linaweaver

The Year's Best Science Fiction : Sixteenth Annual Collection (Paper)

3001 The Final Odyssey :
The Final Odyssey


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