How Much Does a Miracle Cost?

By: Heather N. Gibson

The $3 Madonna. Antonietta's mother is wiping away the tears.

In the Spring of 1953 Antonietta and Angelo Iannuso of Syracuse, Italy were married. One of the couples wedding presents was a small, mass-produced $3 figurine of the Madonna. Still, the figurine was dear to Antoinetta.

Antoinette became pregnant not long after her wedding day. She began to suffer from extreme headaches and temporary loss of eyesight. Antonietta was suffering from one of these severe attacks on August 29 and looked toward the Madonna. The statue was weeping heavily.

Antonietta thought she was losing her mind. " It was incredible . For a moment I thought I was mad. she was crying like a child. Then I began to shout, "'La Madonna piang [The little Madonnia is weeping]!'" Antonietta's mother and sister-in-law was afraid that Antonietta was hysterical from the pain. They rushed in the room to attend to Antonietta and saw the Madonna weeping. Antonietta was suddenly calm and her headache was gone.

Huge crowds moved through the apartment to see the little Madonna. One skeptical visitor removed the figurine from it's pedestal on the wall to examine it more closely. The wall behind the statue was dry. " I unscrewed the statue from it's base and thoroughly dried it," he said," Then two tears, like pearls, began to appear in the eyes of the Madonna."

The Madonna had to be moved to police headquarters. The weeping persisted enough to wet the uniform of the officer who carried it. A chemical analysis of the tears turned up nothing incredible. The tears were human. Still, the tears were miraculous.

If someone was suffering and they simply touched a piece of the cloth soaked in the tears they would be miraculously cured. A girl who had been mute all of her life suddenly began to speak. A man regained use of his crippled arm.

The little Madonna was carried before a huge procession of 30,000 people a month after she began weeping she was taking to a railway shed and enshrined in a glass case. Within five years 72 bishops, and archbishops, 3 cardinals and thousands of pilgrims visited the shrine. A pile of abandoned crutches testify to the power of the Madonna.

Mysteries of the Unexplained p.305-6
Inanimate Objects





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Weeping for Hiroshima

By: Heather N Gibson

The Bronze bust that cried when the atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

Allen Demetrius collects art, among his collection is a bronze bust of a Japanese girl. The statue is about 200 years old. and very beautiful. Still, until August 6, 1945 that was all that was remarkable about the bust.

August 6, 1945, most know the awful date well. This is day the atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Demetrius was in his living room and looked at the statue. The statue was crying. " The teardrops ran down the cheeks. I was astonished. I can't explain how it happened." Demetrius exclaimed to Jim Lewis of the Pittsburgh Press.

In 1969 Demetrius gave the bust to his daughter, Annabelle Sollon. Sollon was cleaning one day and noticed green streaks down the face of the statue where the tear course would 've been. Sollon returned the statue to her father who concluded the streaks were a result of a chemical reaction to the tears.

Mysteries of the Unexplained p. 305
Blood Cures

By: Heather N. Gibson

The Crucifix that started bleeding. Many miraculous cures were reported

In 1968 a 300 year old wooden crucifix suddenly began to exude a red substance. The substance was collected and tested. The substance was indeed blood.

Thousands journeyed to the church at Porto Alegre, Brazil. Many miraculous cures were reported.

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