Holly DavisFull Name: Holly Nicole Davis
Age: 22
Date of Birth: February 24, 1983
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 112 lbs
Hair Color: reddish-brown
Eye Color: hazel

Holly Davis resides in Alabama with her parents, Ronald and Penny, and her older brother Josh (23). She got her start in acting around the age of nine, when she entered a talent competition at a Christian convention and received superior ratings on both her dramatic monologue and her singing. Since then, she has performed in a number of theatrical productions, as well as her first movie (specifics may be found here).

Holly and Taz Besides acting and singing, Holly enjoys sketching, shopping, playing pool, basketball, volleyball, fishing, hanging out with friends, music, movies, antique cars, and animals. She has three dogs: a sweet pomeranian named Taz and two collies named Collin and Sassie. Her favorite colors are red and pink, and her pet peeves are people who constantly make fun of others, people who lie, drug users, cruelty to animals, big egos, and fingernails on a chalkboard. Her biggest fear is of snakes. Holly describes her personality as outgoing, outspoken, shy at times, opinionated, sensitive, funny, stubborn, caring, and boy crazy. Her favorite quote is, "Don't give me attitude; I've got my own."

Holly's favorite movies include Lord of the Rings, X-Men, There's Something About Mary, Soul Survivors, The Green Mile, The Sixth Sense, and Just Married. As far as music goes, she usually opts for Aerosmith, Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross and the Supremes, The Temptations, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Eminem, and Norah Jones. Like any young adult in America, she also enjoys watching Friends (her favorite character is Joey). Her celebrity crushes include Jon Bon Jovi, Ashton Kutcher, Elijah Wood, Jude Law, and Barry Watson.

Holly finds love and support in her family, friends, and boyfriend Seth, who are supporting and furthering her dreams.


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