Loren Smith

Personal Profile:

Book (Chapter):

Relationship: A close and intimate friend.

Shock Wave (59)

Eye Color: Violet.

Vixen 03 (5)

Hair: Cinnamon.

Vixen 03 (50)

Height: Slightly over 5'8".

Deep Six (22)

Has prominent cheekbones.

Deep Six (15)

Has a husky voice.

Vixen 03 (1)

Elegant as a lynx and daring as a tomboy.

Dragon (24)

Grows up on a ranch in Colorado.

  • Family has ranched the western slopes of Colorado since the 1870's.
  • An accomplished horsewoman.
  • Dragon (56)
    Valhalla Rising (36)
  • Dragon (56)
  • Valhalla Rising (36)

  • Graduates from the University of Colorado.

    Dragon (56)

    Occupation: Congresswoman representing Colorado, Seventh District.

  • Serving her second term in office.
  • Serving her fifth term in office.
  • Serving her sixth term in office.
  • Her term in office will be up soon and she has already announced that she will not run again.
  • Vixen 03 (1)

  • Deep Six (15)
  • Inca Gold (25)
  • Valhalla Rising (36)
  • Trojan Odyssey (41)
  • Respected for her political cunning, she carries a great degree of clout in the house.

    Dragon (24)

    Ward robe trademark: Wears an outfit with matching briefcase.

    Vixen 03 (48)
    Atlantis Found (28)
    Valhalla Rising (42)
    Dirk Pitt refers to her briefcase as a crutch.

    Deep Six (40)

    Keeps a box of cigars in her office for her male visitors.

    Vixen 03 (29)


  • Sally Lineman.
  • Marilyn Trask.
  • Deep Six (46)
  • Trojan Odyssey (49)
  • Serves on various committees including:

  • A subcommittee for the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
  • Chair for the Merchant Marine Transport Committee.
  • House Armed Services Committee.
  • International Trade Relations Committee.
  • Vixen 03 (40)
  • Deep Six (31)
  • Deep Six (55)
  • Atlantis Found (25)
  • Participaton in congressional investigations/hearings include:

  • House Foreign Affairs subcommittee hearing on economic aid to African nations. Hiram Lusuana appears before the committee to present his request for aid.
  • Select subcommittee meets to investigate and Japanese cultural and economic impact upon the United States. Ichiro Tsuboi appears before the committee to answer questions.
  • Hearing to investigate Curtis Zale and his corporation named Cerberus.
  • Hearing to investigate Specter and the operations of Odyssey.
  • Vixen 03 (40)

  • Dragon (24)

  • Valhalla Rising (45, 54)
  • Trojan Odyssey (48)
  • Meets Dirk Pitt at Washington cocktail party. They leave the party and he takes her for a hundred-mile-an-hour ride down Chesapeake Bay in a hydrofoil racing boat.

    Vixen 03 (1)

    She is also seeing Phil Sawyer, the President's press secretary. He proposes and she initially accepts, but changes her mind.

    Vixen 03 (36, 50)

    Dirk Pitt introducers her to St. Julien Perlmutter at his carriage house.

  • St. Julien Perlmutter inquires about her; she is back in Colorado campaigning to keep her seat in Congress.
  • Deep Six (15)

  • Shock Wave (15)
  • Owns a townhouse in Alexandria, Virginia.

  • The décor is ultramodern. Each piece of furniture is designed by artisans.
  • The townhouse has a fourth floor balcony.
  • Inca Gold (26)
  • Valhalla Rising (42)
  • Valhalla Rising (42)
  • Has a cat named Ichabod.

    Vixen 03 (1)

    Owns a Chrysler 300M.

    Atlantis Found (25)

    When time permits, she picks up Dirk Pitt at the airport in one of his collector cars. Her general greeting is "Welcome home sailor." She has arrived in the following:

  • 1948 French Talbot-Lago sports coupe.
  • 1953 Allard J2X sports car.
  • 1936 Ford cabriolet hot rod.
  • 1938 dark green Packard.
  • 1931 Marmon town car.
  • Atlantis Found (25)

  • Deep Six (15)
  • Inca Gold (25)
  • Atlantis Found (25)
  • Valhalla Rising (36)
  • Trojan Odyssey (15)
  • She has driven the 1953 Allard J2X sports car in vintage sport races.

    Inca Gold (25)

    Likes to paint landscapes.

    Trojan Odyssey (41)

    Jogs and takes ballet classes four hours a week.

    Deep Six (45)

    Often goes running with Dirk Pitt.

    Valhalla Rising (38)

  • She has been running when she arrives at the hangar apartment and Dirk Pitt introduces her to Admiral Sandecker. She explains they have sat across from each other during Maritime Committee meetings. The admiral doesn’t need to be a psychic to read their relationship and understands why she has always looked kindly on his NUMA budget proposals.
  • Deep Six (22)

    Her Relationship with Dirk Pitt:


    They get together when it is convenient.

    Vixen 03 (1)

    The sea is Dirk Pitt's mistress and Congress is Loren Smith's life.

    Deep Six (15)

    While they often go their own ways when it comes to seeing other men and women, she realizes that she really loves him.

    Dragon (74)

    The subject of marriage comes up, but she declines Pitt's proposal.

    Inca Gold (32, 62)

    Giordino's describes their relationship as being like express trains racing along parallel tracks, occasionally meeting in stations but eventually heading for different destinations.

    Inca Gold (60)

    The ghost of Summer hangs over their relationship.

    Inca Gold (60)

    Loren has reconsidered his proposal. Pitt claims to have second thoughts but will give the idea some thought.

    Atlantis Found (Final Blessing)

    Even though they have discussed marriage in the past, the ghost of Summer still hangs over their relationship; Loren suggests they should go on as before.

    Valhalla Rising (36; 58)

    Dirk Pitt asks for her hand in marriage and she accepts.

    Trojan Odyssey (41)

    They get married in the Washington National Cathedral on October 11, 2006.

  • Father: Charles Smith [deceased in Vixen 03] gives the bride away.
  • Matron of Honor: Marilyn Trask.
  • Bridesmaids: Her two sisters and Summer Pitt.
  • Dirk Pitt's Best Man: Al Giordino.
  • Usher's: Dirk Jr., Rudi Gunn and Loren's two brothers.
  • Trojan Odyssey (49)

    She wears her mother's 1950s-vintage wedding gown (a combination of white lace and satin), and Dirk Pitt wears a
    white tie and tails.

    Trojan Odyssey (49)

    Her wedding ring is a 3-carat ruby surrounded by small emeralds.

    Trojan Odyssey (49)

    Al Giordino drives the newlyweds in the Marmon V-16 to the hangar where the wedding reception is being held.

    Trojan Odyssey (49)

    Dirk Pitt has chartered a small yacht in Greece and they will sail around the Mediterranean for their honeymoon.

    Trojan Odyssey (49)

    Helene Noelle The World of Dirk Pitt
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