The Cigar Saga

Al Giordino enjoys playing a game with Admiral Sandecker and his cigars. The strategy changes over time.

And the saga begins:

Book (Chapter):

Al Giordino lifts one of Admiral Sandecker's cigars from a box on Sandecker's desk when everyone's attention is on a wall map and lights up. The admiral recognizes it as one his private brand cigars and gives Giordino a withering look.

Raise the Titanic! (23)

No reference.

Vixen 03

No reference.

Night Probe!

Al Giordino prepares to call Dirk Pitt by having a drink of brandy and lighting a cigar he stole from Admiral Sandecker.

Deep Six (62)

Al Giordino makes a wager. "A bottle of Chivas Regal against a box of your cigars Dirk’s Right." The admiral replies "No bet. My specially rolled cigars cost far more than a bottle of scotch."

Deep Six (64)

Admiral Sandecker gives Dirk Pitt a message to tell Al Giordino to stop swiping his cigars.

Deep Six (66)

Al Giordino takes great glee in stealing Admiral Sandecker's cigars.

Cyclops (41)

Admiral Sandecker asks Al Giordino where he got the Hoyo de Monterrey Excalibur cigar. He replies, "A little shop in Baltimore. I forget the name." The admiral growls, "I have a good notion to ask to see a receipt."

Treasure (36)

Al Giordino has been stealing Admiral Sandecker's expensive cigars for years. What drives the Admiral up the wall is that he never discovers how. No matter how well he hides them or locks them away, his inventory count always showed two missing every week. Giordino keeps the secret from Dirk Pitt so his best friend will never have to lie if asked how it is done. Only Al Giordino and an old buddy from the Air Force who is a professional burglar for an intelligence agency know the technicalities of Operation Stogie.

Treasure (36)

Al Giordino lights a cigar that he has stolen from Admiral Sandecker's private supply in Wahsington.

Dragon (32)

Al Giordino pulls out a cigar his has already lifted from Admiral Sandecker by sleight-of-hand and lights up.

Dragon (65)

No reference.


Al Giordino pulls one of Admiral Sandecker's specially made cigars from his pocket and lights up. The admiral glares but says nothing. He has given up trying to figure out how Giordino gets them, certainly not from his private stock.

Inca Gold (29)

Al Giordino pulls one of Admiral Sandecker's cigars out of his pocket. The cigars in the admiral's private sock are made for his private enjoyment - and Al Giordino's as well. He has helped himself to the admiral's private stock wihtout ever being caught for a decade.

Shock Wave (5)

Al Giordino pulls one of Admiral Sandecker's specially made cigars and lights up. His slinky method of pilfering the admiral's private stock of cigars mystifies Sandecker. The cat-and-mouse game had gone on for years, and the admiral is too proud to ask. Yet his inventory fails to turn up a count of missing cigars.

Shock Wave (14)

Dirk Pitt relays a message to Admiral Sandecker. "Al said to save him a cigar."

Shock Wave (53)

The only mystery Admiral Sandecker hasn't solved is how Al Giordino smokes his expensive Nicaraguan cigars when he never finds any missing. Rudi Gunn suggests that they might buy from the same source. The admiral thinks this is impossible since a family he regards as close friends in Managua rolls his cigars; Giordino couldn't possibly know them.

Flood Tide (5)

Admiral Sandecker lights a cigar and notices that Joe Zavala is puffing an identical stogie. He has been trying to figure out for years how Al Giordino lifts cigars from the humidor on his desk undetected. Sandecker asks Zavala if he has been talking to Giordino.

Serpent (15)

Al Giordino pulls a cigar out of his breast pocket and rolls it around in his mouth without lighting it. The admiral gives him a murderous look since the label is the same as his private stock.

Atlantis Found (13)

Sandecker - "Good bye, Rudi. God Bless. And tell Al I owe him a cigar."

Atlantis Found (19)

Admiral Sandecker has a fondness for elegant cigars, grand and aromatic. They are personally selected and wrapped to his exact specifications by a family in the Dominican Republic. He never offers one to visitors, but often catches Al Giordino smoking the exact same cigars. Yet he never finds any missing from his private stock. Sandecker lights a cigar. He stares at Giordino, half expecting him to light up too. Al decides not to irritate his boss and tries to look cultured.

Atlantis Found (26)

Al Giordino pulls a cigar out of his breast pocket that is like the one Admiral Sandecker is smoking. The admiral is almost certain Giordino is stealing his cigars but can never prove it. None ever appear to be missing. Giordino secretly buys his cigars from the same source in Nicaragua.

Valhalla Rising (22)

Admiral Sandecker relaxes in a chair and lights his big cigar. He gives Giordino an annoyed look, waiting for him to light up one of his special cigars too. Al merely gives him a patronizing smile.

Valhalla Rising (43)

Captain Barnum explains that Al Giordino always shows up on a ship with a humidor filled with the admiral's private stock of cigars.

Trojan Odyssey (2)

Al Giordino mentions that the admiral has a love of expensive cigars.

Trojan Odyssey (10)

Al Giordino pulls a cigar from his breast pocket that looks suspiciously like one of Admiral Sandecker's private brand. He gazes cagily at the admiral as he lights the end.

Trojan Odyssey (14)

Dirk Pitt asks Al Giordino for his cigar. Giordino remarks that it is one of Sandecker's finest before reluctantly handing it to Pitt.

Black Wind (62)

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