Mitteldeutsche Motorenwerke GmbH
( MiMo )

in 1934 as subsidary of the Auto Union

Main Business:
Serial production of Junkers engines
mostly as a supplier for Erla Leipzig

Management Positions:

Taucha - Grassdorf
Zwickau (since 1944, Auto Union Facilities)

Company Development:

The Mitteldeutsche Motorenwerke GmbH was founded in 1934. Mimo was not a real Junkers company, but it was founded by the German car manufacturing ring of Auto Union in Leipzig. Initially Mimo produced stationary engines and mobile fire fighter pumps. But with the setup of the Junkers ABC programme, Mimo became a license producer for the Junkers Jumo engines. The construction of the main facilities at Taucha began in 1935 at the Grassdorfer Waeldchen. A total of 20 production halls, a social and administrial building, several storage buildings and a pilot school were built at the Mimo areal.

Mimo was a pure engine production facility, which started its business with the Jumo 210 production for the Messerschmitt Me109 as a supplier for the nearby Erla Werke at Leipzig-Thekla.

Since 1940 Mimo concentrated on the engine completion. Engine parts manufacturing was transfered to external suppliers, i.e. the DKW facility participated with large number of parts supply.

During WWII several air raids were flown against the Mitteldeutsche Motorenwerke, but it took until 28th May 1944, when the facilities at Taucha were completely destroyed during a raid with the death of some 3000 people. As the reconstruction of the facility was a longterm project, the Mimo production was transfered to Zwickau in 1944. At the end of WWII the remains of the Zwickau facility were confiscated by the Soviets and sent to Russia. In 1948 Mimo was dissolved.

Today at Taucha-Grassdorf a lot of remains of the former Mimo facilities are to be found. The pilot school was used as a seniors home at least until the early ninties and even the administrial building was in use as a civil defence school center in Taucha.

Further Links for Mimo:
Grassdorfer Waeldchen - Developement of the Taucha Mimo Aeral after WWII
City of Portitz - images and plans of the Mimo facility

20th November 2004
The Hugo Junkers Homepage
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